Ask what their preferred communication style is.
What they like least and best about being a PM.
What their management style is.
What they expect from the APM, and other staff.
What has been your biggest failure? What did you do to overcome it? What is your biggest accomplishment? What is the biggest challenge you face as a CM? If you had a blank check from ownership, what would you do at the community to improve upon it?
My favorite question is, “If you could build the perfect candidate for this role, what he/she be like?” You can then speak directly to the wants and wish lists.
Posted 1 year 8 months ago
Kimberly Walton
•What’s your leadership style?
Also, how do you like to be led?
Asking both will show you the truth of how they’ll lead you.
•If you have aspirations to grow yourself, ask them how willing they’ll be to cross train you once they have their feet under them.
•Ask them what positions they’ve held. I hated working for PMs who never worked as LC or APM before holding that role. There’s a lot about what they demand of you that they don’t understand themselves.
•Have they ever accompanied maintenance on work orders? Your maintenance team will thank you because, if they have, it means that they also understand what they’re asking of that team and will have reasonable expectations for turnaround times on work that seems simple, but isn’t in actuality.
•What’s their proficiency with excel. Seems stupid but I’ve had a lot of managers who didn’t know a lot about it and they were responsible for monthly reporting. Ended up falling to me (but no one knew).
HEY! It’s a little urgent & I need your thoughts!
What are great questions to ask a Property Manager in an interview as an APM? My regional is allowing the onsite staff to interview the PM & I need some good questions!