You want affordable housing, look at your balance sheet and see where cities can help. Taxes, Utilities, Insurance, Pay Roll, Loan Guarantees. There’s lots our elected officials could do, but don’t - because you Mr. Owner are one vote and for the most part, renters generally don’t turn out for elections. So we offer little benefit, and the neighbors who do vote don’t like apartments.
At the end of the day, we have to operate a business. Most of us are compassionate, no one wants to put a single mom or a family out on the street. But this is a two-way street.
Rule No. 01 for my residents - Call me when a life changing event occurs (loss of employment, job change, divorce, death). I will gladly work with you to keep you in your home and or help you locate new housing. Some follow that rule, and it always seems to work out. Those that don’t, think I’m just some greedy bastard, trash my buildings because of their own despair - out you go.