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Community Sitemaps: The Most Beautiful and Compatible Solution

Community Sitemaps: The Most Beautiful and Compatible Solution


Are community sitemaps glamorous? Oh, you bet they can be! A well-crafted property sitemap is like the Mona Lisa of multifamily living—beautiful, functional, and a key tool for showcasing your community's charm. Here is the secret sauce for creating sitemaps that not only dazzle but also help seal the deal on those leases.

Why Our Community Sitemaps Are the Bee's Knees

Not all community sitemaps are cut from the same cloth. Some are about as exciting as a lukewarm cup of tea—basic and leaving prospects playing detective to find that elusive dog park. But ours?  Clear, colorful, and downright gorgeous, sitemaps should be designed to impress. Picture this: your prospects, captivated by the vibrant colors and crisp icons, drawn into exploring your community from the leasing office to the welcome packet. 


There's something magical about a meticulously crafted, visually stunning sitemap. It's like art for the eyes, guiding prospects with ease to discover the wonders of your community.


Sure, 2D sitemaps may not be as interactive as a choose-your-own-adventure novel, but they play well with others. Partner them up with interactive solutions like Engrain or Beans.ai, and watch the magic happen. These dynamic duos can turn vector-based designs into interactive masterpieces, perfect for your property website or touchscreen in the leasing office.


Let's talk utility. A good sitemap isn't just eye candy—it's a roadmap to discovery. By giving prospects and residents a bird's-eye view of your property layout, you empower them to explore every nook and cranny. It's not just a pretty picture anymore, is it?

How Sitemaps Work Their Magic for Leasing

Imagine this: your prospect, pen poised over the lease agreement, takes a peek at the sitemap. They spot their future apartment, the shimmering pool, and the inviting clubhouse. With a flourish, they sign on the dotted line, and just like that, you've got yourself a new resident.


Whether they're dreaming of becoming residents or settling into their new digs, sitemaps offer a quick glimpse into the heart of your community. From unit counts to dumpster locations, they've got all the info your prospects and residents need to feel right at home.


As self-guided and in-person tours make a comeback, sitemaps are your trusty sidekick. They guide prospects straight to their dream unit, leaving them free to focus on what really matters—like planning their next poolside soiree or perfecting their backhand on the tennis court.

A sitemap isn't just a map—it's a warm welcome for your newest resident. Circle their unit, highlight their parking spot, and show them the best route to the clubhouse. It's like arriving at a luxury resort, where the front desk rolls out the red carpet with insider tips on all the best spots.

Community Sitemaps: Your Ticket to Marketing Success

Closing the deal is one thing, but getting them through the door? That's where sitemaps shine brightest.


Sitemaps are the ultimate visual showcase for your multifamily community. Set them up on an easel, include them in welcome packets, or feature them on your website. Every time you put your sitemap out there, you're shouting to the world: "Check out all the awesomeness our community has to offer!"

By painting a vivid picture of your property's appeal, you'll capture the interest of prospects and drive up inquiries from potential residents.


Based on Google Maps, this satellite-powered marvel showcases everything from building units to lush landscaping. It's the perfect blend of form and function for your community.


Crafted from your architectural blueprints, this bespoke beauty offers a detailed look at your community's layout, inside and out. It's like having an architectural tour at your fingertips.


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