“Hi! Can you hear me?”
“Hi, everyone! Can you go on mute if you’re not talking?”
[Slow Wi-Fi detected. Video will resume shortly.]
“Hello, please mute yourselves!”
Oh, my god! How hard is it to conduct a meeting? Why is everyone still talking? This isn’t my meeting, but I should say something. I’m totally going to say something. Why can’t they take control? Everyone, BE QUIET ALREADY! Seriously, I’m going to say something.
And that, my friends, is how I almost yelled at a bunch of kindergartners during my daughter’s class’ online Show and Tell.
It’s absolutely crazy out there right now. COVID-19 is still spreading. Millions of people are laid off. People are working from home. Essential workers have to put themselves at risk by going in. Your renters might not be able to rent rent, but you still have to keep the building running.
Emotions are running high. We’re scared. We’re anxious. We’re stir crazy.
It’s becoming really hard not to snap at people.
Rationally, of course, we know we shouldn’t. It never helps to yell at someone, especially one of your renters. We need to remain professional and empathetic, even during these times. Especially during these times.
Here are some steps to take to avoid lashing out at people while you’re working at your multifamily community.
Jessica Fiur is the editor-in-chief at Multi-Housing News and Commercial Property Executive.