New owner coming in so it's a good time for changes. I am a firm believer in curb appeal and enforce the community policies the best I can.
My community is very small (50 units) so everything is noticeable to people who drive through the property. I have a "low B property" but keep it clean and screen with higher requirements than most larger properties. We've had a waiting list since April and have raised rents twice.
I have attached a photo of a vehicle that belongs to residents who have been there nearly 2 years. It's time for renewal letters to go out, so we have to make decisions now to renew or not to renew.
This auto is driving me crazy!!!! They have 2 other cars, one in similar condition to this one (no hubcaps, leaking fluids and tires that don't match. The nice, shiny rims that is usually on it dissapeared last December and this is what has been sitting there, since. He works on in it the parking lot, too, when he knows he is not supposed to.
I would really like some opinions about this auto. Is it just me,or is it horrible??? I have the ususal requirements: Tag, insurance, no damage, operable, etc. I want to add hubcaps and just a general "unnaceptable" at my discretion. Or, something other language that addresses the condition of a vehicle.
What do you think? Would this pass your community policies?