Good day, I work at a large property over 400 apts and I am looking for classes or lessons on customers service when dealing with residents and leasing. All help is appreciated. If you can recommend a web class this would be great. I am in Texas.
OOOOOOHHHHH, yes, try the webinars! They provide great info in an equally energizing way. Also, attend any kind of Apartment Association trainings that may be offered in person locally. Lisa Trosien was just here in South Bend, IN and the cost was $0 for us as members of the Apartment Association. In addition, there are books you can get from any bookstore/library that can give you info on what other industries do to provide a great customer service experience. You can check out You Tube videos, too. A lot of these in property management give you ideas in a humorous way, but those from other industries, again, give exceptional advice and direction.
I've found the educational opportunities offered by the National Apartment Association to be helpful. Your state affiliate is the Texas Apartment Association: