This was my leasing wall at my last property. I had target units, goals, would add extra bonuses for stale units. My team had a very healthy competition. They would literally race to get the phone first. It was fun to watch them.
I like them. I made a new one today. I’ll roll it out on my team meeting tomorrow. It helps build excitement and reminds everyone its hard work, but it can be fun
I am the property manager and leasing agent... I set self goals... in January I had 25 leased for 25 days... I’m not at that now but I will say that I only have 3 vacant units of 278! I have a couple more coming up as of August 1st, it’s a mind game and determination!!!
I will say make sure the goals are not arbitrary. Each property is unique and thus cannot be compared to one another. But yes, if you create the excitement they should follow. If they don’t then it might be the right fit.
I don’t have a leasing agent and very low availability. We make our boards based on renewals, reviews, work orders, etc. But we try to find a theme that’s entertaining for us since it’s not a traditional board.
For me it always depended on the team. If you’ve got a couple of super competitive Alpha sales people, everyone else loses motivation because of the board. But if everyone is of the same talent level, it can be a fun competition.
That is a definite YES! I was in property management for 25 years last 10 all lease-ups and a lot of people are good with visual goals they can look at everyday.
I’m was in residential management for 20 years and now a vendor. My team loved goal boards. I saw this board at one of my properties I service and fell in love with it!
Visual aids can be very motivating provided your goals are challenging enough to keep their attention but not so challenging that they seem unrealistic. Remember the goldilocks method!