We are a month into 2023, and every residential team is gearing up for the upcoming busy season. With customer experience back to being a trending topic for consumers, it's crucial that your community not only looks good but performs well too. But with many leasing offices being short-staffed and a high turnover rate, it's getting harder for leadership teams to focus on individual performance. We've all been there, an office continuously training a new hire while trying to implement best practices and enforce the correct policy and procedures. Priorities of the "customer first" mindset slowly fad as teams try to stay afloat with the influx of leads, maintenance repairs, and additional workload.
But how does this affect your community's reputation?
Seeing online reviews highlight the high turnover an office may have or the lack of knowledge a new team member has on an ongoing resident issue can cause immediate frustration for the consumer. Their immediate thought is the office needs to be more organized. Their trust dwindles with each new team member. They have to reiterate their frustrations resulting in your pre-renewal percentage taking a hit. Not only does your retention decrease, but they are "not likely" to refer a friend to your community.
So how can teams enhance the "customer first" best practices while staying on top of current resident issues, maintenance repairs, and the additional workload of a short staff? Here are a few of my favorite ways to increase communication between the office and maintenance team so everyone is in the loop and your customer doesn't have to suffer the consequences.
Focusing on the customer experience does not end with enhanced communication within the team, but it is a small step that will likely make a significant impact. Once you can create a good communication stream between team members, you can focus on other habits that directly impact customer satisfaction.
What are some ways your practice better communication skills with your team?
A 20-something who loves property management, marketing, professional development, and a wanna-be plant mom.