We’ve all seen photos and memes posted across social media of makeshift work from home set ups. Everything from stacks of toiler paper, strategically placed cases of bottled water, and even ironing boards for those who prefer a stand-up desk. Many apartment renters have had to get really creative on the fly in order to remain productive in their jobs.
Our SatisFacts COVID-19 National Renter Study found that 44.7% of renters in Round 3 said their biggest challenge when attempting to work from home is not having a dedicated workspace. Respectively, Rounds 1 and 2 were 38.8% and 36.4%. The struggle is getting real for those renters with no end in sight when they will be returning to their usual work environment.
Let’s imagine someone living in a 1-bedroom home. In a traditional floorplan layout, one can expect a living/dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. If the home is without additional features such as a breakfast bar, separate dining room, recessed computer alcove, or a larger than usual bedroom, establishing a dedicated home office space may be challenging.
This pandemic has created an opportunity for our industry to reimagine how renters live in their homes today. For those communities without additional square footage to transform into a workspace, here are 5 creative ways to make a 1-bedroom effective for those working from home.
Increased numbers of renters working from home may present an opportunity for developers to reimagine traditional floorplan layouts in the future; but getting creative in the present will help current renters who are now working remotely enjoy their homes even more.
Lia Nichole Smith is the SVP of Education and Performance for SatisFacts Research and ApartmentRatings. She has presented at several industry events and webinars on topics related to resident retention, reputation management and resident satisfaction.