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Make it yours!

Make it yours!

Make it yours!

I want to share a quick story/lesson I learned.

The picture of the book I attached to this is boring. Like, super boring. The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook is the reference to American-English grammar, punctuation and principles of reporting, including many definitions and rules for usage as well as styles for capitalization, abbreviation, spelling and numerals. Phew. (Thanks for the definition Wikipedia) 


It was to be my bible in College. 


As a Journalism major, it was given to me day 1, class 1. With it came a great lesson, from a fantastic professor. 


Neal Bandlow, my professor, and living legend said, "This book sucks. It's boring. You literally can't read it. It's words on how to write words. But, it's going be everything to you for the next two years."


Then, he gave us our first assignment. 


Make the book ours. Make it so we want to open it. Otherwise, we won't. 


So back in 1997, (Shhh....)  I cut up pictures of my friends, family, and my favorite bands and taped them to the front of it.


For the next 2 years I used this book every weekday. I carried it with pride, ready to talk about the people on it, the places we were, and what were doing at that moment in time. I switched it up when new things came along, for seasons, and for different sports.

So, what's the point? 


Owning things and making them your own, matters. Individuality, matters. 


If you don't like it, you won't use it. If you don't like it and you have to use it, it won't make you happy unless you own it.


If you like a certain pen? Buy it! Have a favorite color? Wear it! Proud of your kids? Embarrass them! (They'll thank us later, right?) 


On the flip-side, if you don't love your car, but have to keep it, hang something from your rear-view that makes you happy, customize your tags, or put your favorite bands sticker on it! 

Own your property, flaws and all. Make them your own. 


The very first assignment on my very first day of college, mattered. Even though I didn't realize it at the time. 



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