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From Likes to Leases: The Importance of Marketing your Apartment on Social Media

From Likes to Leases: The Importance of Marketing your Apartment on Social Media

Importance of Marketing Your Apartment on Social Media

If you haven't joined the social media party yet, it's time to jump in. Social media has become the life of the digital party, and guess what? The multifamily industry is invited.

Maybe you've been hesitating, thinking you don't have the time or resources for creating social media content, or perhaps you're not convinced the juice is worth the squeeze.

But here's the scoop: social media isn't going anywhere, and you could be leaving some serious opportunities on the table – opportunities to connect with vast demographics and potential residents you never knew were out there.

In fact:

  • 80% of renters use social media during their apartment search (MRIsoftware).
  • 43% of social media users are either likely or very likely to engage with an apartment community on social media (Multifamily Executive).
  • 80% of apartment hunters say they use social media to narrow down their choices (Multi-Housing New).

So, let's chat about why you should market your apartment on social media.


40% of Gen Z'ers are ditching Google and using TikTok and Instagram as their search engine of choice. Say what?!

Whether it's finding what's for dinner, or finding their next home, these renters prefer scrolling through short and snappy videos rather than typing and sifting through long search queries.

A whopping 80% of Gen Z apartment seekers and 74% of Millennials admit that social media influences their decision on where to rent (Multi-Housing News).

When it comes to marketing your apartment on social media, now is not the time to sit on the sidelines. Your competitors are out there, flaunting their impressive Insta-game, and guess what? They might just be stealing potential residents and prospects away from your community.

Now, you might think that social media is just for procrastinating or watching hilarious memes, (which it is, we can't deny that), but we also can't deny the power it holds in the multifamily industry.

Within all demographics, digital consumers spend an average of 2.5 hours a day on social networks (Insider).

Now is the time to harness that social media power and showcase your property's best features, engage with potential residents, and build a strong community presence that leaves a lasting impression.


Renters are searching for apartments and a place to live everywhere on the web. If you thought the search stopped at Google and rental listing sites, think again.

The renter's journey today is like an exciting digital adventure, full of twists and turns. When users start looking for a new place to call home, they don't just stop at one place. Nope, they're exploring all sorts of online avenues, and it's about finding the perfect match for their needs and preferences. Let's take a look:


The journey begins with a search, but it's not limited to a single platform. While rental sites remain popular, renters are now using a mix of rental listing apps, search engines, and even social media to cast a wide net.

As renters narrow down their choices, engagement becomes vital. They might seek advice from friends and family, participate in online forums, and review social media accounts to gather insights from current residents.

Local Insights

Renters are not only looking at properties but also considering the neighborhoods they'll be part of. They explore local blogs, forums, and social media groups to gain a sense of the community's vibe, amenities, and lifestyle. (Hint: The more of this they can find on your social, the better!)

Decision Time

After absorbing a wealth of information, renters move towards making a decision. They weigh factors like location, amenities, budget, and reviews. This is where effective and consistent branding, compelling social media content, and transparent information can truly set your property apart.

Lease Signing

The journey culminates in signing the lease. But it doesn't end there. The impression you've created during the journey will influence their overall rental experience and whether they choose to renew their lease or recommend your property to others. This is just the beginning of marketing your apartment on social media.


From apartment hunter to proud resident – congratulations, they've successfully navigated the renter's journey and found their new home sweet home.

Now, it's about more than just attracting them – it's about creating a sense of belonging and community. Let's explore how to build your brand and cultivate a culture that not only retains residents but turns them into your best brand ambassadors.

Social media isn't just a one-way street; it's about creating a virtual living room where your residents can connect with each other and feel like they belong.

Sharing resident stories, hosting events, and spreading a positive culture will have your residents raving about your community to their friends – and word-of-mouth is a property manager's pot of gold.

And don't forget to create engaging content that showcases your community's unique personality. Show off those breathtaking views, give virtual tours of your cozy apartments, and share the fun stuff happening in and around your community.

Remember, social media is all about connecting with people, so don't be shy. Respond to comments, DMs, and show your appreciation for your followers. They're not just numbers; they're real people interested in your community, so make them feel special.

Need some inspo before you get started on marketing your apartment on social media? Check out one of our most recent blogs, 13 Apartment Social Media Accounts You Need to Follow.


Being social isn't just about connecting with your audience – it's a dynamic strategy that fuels your online presence and search engine optimization (SEO). Here's how it all comes together:

Consistency, Higher Rankings

Consistent social posts don't just engage – they elevate your search rankings. Regular, quality content tells search engines you're relevant and active, giving your website a competitive edge.

Broader Reach, Stronger Conversions

Social media isn't just for show – it's a traffic driver. Expanding your content's reach brings real visitors to your site. And when they convert, you hit a conversion home run.

Bio Keywords, Discoverability

Craft your social bio with care – it's a keyword goldmine. Keywords here help search engines connect your profile to your community, guiding searchers to your door.

Trust Boosts SEO

Trust is the currency of SEO. A robust social presence builds brand trust, a key factor search engines love. The more trustworthy, the higher you rank.

Quick Indexing, Traffic Surge

Social posts get fast-tracked for indexing. While your SEO plan unfolds, your social channels are driving traffic, strengthening your online footprint.


When marketing your apartment on social media, the sweet spot lies in merging organic and paid strategies. Organic engagement crafts authenticity, fostering community and trust among current residents. On the flip side, paid promotions amplify your reach, targeting potential residents effectively.

Organic Engagement: This is where your community's personality shines. Through genuine content and interactions, you build credibility and rapport with residents. It's the foundation of trust and authenticity.

Paid Promotions: By investing in targeted ads, you extend your community's visibility. These campaigns put your content in front of potential residents who are actively seeking a new home.

The Best of Both Worlds: The magic happens when these strategies blend. Organic engagement forms the core of your community's identity, while paid promotions spread that identity to a wider audience. This harmonious approach maximizes engagement and conversions.

So, don't choose between organic and paid. Embrace both for a powerful social media strategy that nurtures existing relationships and expands your community's influence.


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