One of the top SEO problems I see when reviewing apartment websites is that no one takes the time to properly write a meta description for the homepage of their website.
The meta description is the paragraph of text that appears below the headline in your Google search result. The meta description is essentially a short statement about the website. See below:
In most cases, the meta description is left blank. When that happens, Google will just pull random text from your website and display that as your meta description.
That’s not a good idea, because the description for your website will show as a bunch of broken phrases that don't represent your community from a professional standpoint. For example:
Instead of leaving it up to Google to pull random text from your website, write your own meta description and treat it as a mini sales message that further compels your prospect to take action.
Why Write Your Meta Description as a Mini Sales Message
Enjoy off-campus living at West10 in Tallahassee, FL. Apartments have stunning views, open floor plans, and gourmet kitchens. Check us out!
Enjoy new apartments at Estancia in La Jolla, CA. Choose 1- or 2-bedroom floor plans with stunning views. Walk to the beach, shops, and dining. Get started.
Take a little time to craft a well-written and persuasive meta description for your website, keeping the points above in mind. It's worth it for the purpose of standing out in search results. Make sure your web vendor adds your new meta description to your website when you're ready.