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Smile Before You Dial - TOP 5 Tips For Making Successful FollowUp Calls - A MUST READ!

Smile Before You Dial - TOP 5 Tips For Making Successful FollowUp Calls - A MUST READ!

We all know why you're here - either A., B. or C. applies to you. So, first before we begin with the TOP 5 Tips, allow me to better help you understand exactly where you fall, so that you can better understand how to help yourself up.

1)  What are your thoughts prior to follow-up dialing:

A. Might as well get prepared for them to hang up in my face or better yet, let me prepare the perfect voicemail message.
B. I might as well go ahead and get it over with - the worst that could happen is they say "No."
C. Smile. Smile. Smile. Yes. Yes. Yes.

2)  What is the purpose of your follow-up dialing:

A. My manager is making me.
B. To check on their decision making status. They said they would be making a decision today, so I am calling to see if that decision was to live with us.
C. To continue building on the relationship I begin in our office.

3)  Is follow-up dialing completed on your behalf because its made mandatory by your company:

A. Yes. Of course. Why else?
B. Yes - I simply don't understand its purpose outside of scheduling a return appointment as to when they wanted to bring their application back.
C. No. I understand the necessity of the follow-up call. I love building relationships.

4)  In your opinion, what is the best form of follow-up:

A. "Hi Stacy. This is Matt with Blah Blah Blah Apartments. I wanted to check with you to see if you had made a decision on your next apartment home."
B. "Hi Stacy. This is Matt with Blah Blah Blah Apartments. How are you? Great. I as calling to see if you've made a decision on your next apartment home."
C. "Hi Stacy. This is Matt with Blah Blah Blah Apartments. How are you? Great. I have some awesome news for you. When you come to bring back your application today, we are celebrating National Dessert Day. We have tons of desserts. You were coming back today right?

5)  Follow-up makes the prospect feel:

A. Bothered
B. Like you care
C. Understood

6)  Of the 10 follow-up calls that you completed yesterday, how many of them came back today:

A. 0
B. 1-3
C. 4-10

7)  If the prospect decides not to live with us, I:

A. Place their guest card in the "dead" pile.
B. Feel sad that they didn't choose to live with us.
C. Place their email in our email list so that they can receive our monthly e-newsletter. There's always next year - their lease has to expire sometime.

8)  Do you currently have a constant contact program in place for you current residents, prospects, etc.:

A. No. Why? They already live here.
B. No. I don't understand why we should, but I would like to understand why we should.
C. Of course. That's why my resident renewal rates skyrocket!

***If you're mostly C's then congratulations ROCK STAR, you understand the purpose of follow-up.

**If you're mostly B's, then congratulations, ROCK STAR - In - Training, you are beginning to understand the purpose of follow-up and this article will do wonders for you.

*If you're mostly A's, then congratulations on discovering that becoming a ROCK STAR Leasing Professional - Is -NOT - For - You ... and if by chance you want it to be, but you simply lack enthusiasm or enough knowledge of the industry to make it work for you, then ... grab a pencil and paper and lets take notes! Better yet, take the day off and visit our blog. We also offer training courses - have your management company contact us for details.

Now that you better understand where you fall, lets begin!

Follow-Up Dialing is essential when it comes to leasing because it allows for you the opportunity to continue to build on the relationship you began in your office or on the initial phone contact or via that initial email contact.

#1 Smile Before You Dial
Whatever emotion you're feeling currently is all over your face and whatever emotion currently is all over your face is heard in your voice. When conducting a follow-up call, the only emotion you should want to be portrayed is enthusiasm and happiness surrounding you and whom you represent.

#2 Dial With A Purpose
I say this time and time again ... dial with a purpose or stop dialing. If the only purpose of you dialing is to check on the status of their decision making, then STOP NOW... Put down the phone and back away from the desk. If you have nothing more than a call to action and a great intro, that's waaaay better than you checking on the status of a decision they made probably before they ever left your community. See a great example of a call to action and intro above in question number 4. - answer C.

#3 Never Begin With "I Was Just Calling To See If You've Made A Decision On Your New Apartment Home"
Spruce it up a bit! Always remember in the game is leasing, you have to give something to get something. Whether that giving is a guarantee of an awesome customer service experience in combination with that extra 50sqft of living space that you offer over your competition, make sure that the benefits with you far exceed those of everyone else - the follow up call is a great tool to remind them of such.

#4 Always Offer Something
It doesn't have to be "FREE Rent" I'm talking here - try something a bit more subtle that is guaranteed not to cost you a thing, but will gain you tons ... Your advice! Your assistance! Your exceptional customer service! Your personal invite of their return!

#5 Give Them A Reason To Chose You ... And Then Keep Choosing You
Great! That exceptional customer service that you exuded through your community show and follow up call has sealed the deal and they've moved it. What now? The dialing continues, for different reasons of course, but none-the-less, the dialing continues.


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