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Spruce Up Your Apartment Community for Peak Leasing Season

Spruce Up Your Apartment Community for Peak Leasing Season

Spruce Up Your Apartment Community for Peak Leasing Season

Last Friday was the first day of spring, which means things are about to get a lot busier in your leasing office. Why? Because peak leasing season will soon be upon us! It's no secret that spring is a popular time to hunt for a new apartment. In fact, according to the 2015 Apartments.com Moving Outlook Survey, more than 40% of renters who plan to move in 2015 plan to do so sometime in March, April or May.

How can you make your apartment community stand out to prospective renters during peak leasing season? By giving it some springtime curb appeal! After all, if your apartment building’s exteriors catch a renter’s eye, she’s more likely to contact you to tour the interiors, too.

Start sprucing up your apartment community in time for peak leasing season with these six tips.

Tidy Up the Landscapes

Snow and ice can leave your green spaces looking a little rough. Get the landscaping tools out of storage and get to work. Trim overgrow tree and bushes. Plant grass in patchy areas. Lay down fresh mulch.

Add Some Color

Nothing says springtime like some bright, beautiful flowers. After you’ve cleaned up your flower beds, plant some flowers in bright shades like yellow, orange and red.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

Rough winter weather can cause the paint to peel on your building exteriors. And peeling paint can be unsightly for prospective renters. Luckily, your apartment building can look as good as new with a fresh coat of paint.

Repair (or Replace) Outdoor Signage

Make it easy for prospective renters to find their way around your community by ensuring your outdoor signage is legible and in good condition. Trim shrubs and bushes that are obstructing your signage, and replace signs that are beyond repair.

Change Outdoor Light Bulbs

If a prospective renter drives past your community after dark, you don’t him to find that half the outdoor lights aren’t working. Ask your maintenance team to make sure that all outdoor lighting is in working order.  

Straighten Up the Leasing Office

In many cases, the leasing office is the first indoor space a potential renter will see. If a renter encounters a messy leasing office, she might hightail it out of there. Make sure your leasing office is clean, organized and smells fresh. Consider purchasing a bouquet of fresh flowers to bring a hint of spring indoors. 

What are you doing to get ready for peak leasing season? Please share in the comments below!


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