Beauty comes from the inside. I totally agree. But, I’m not talking about beauty today. I’m talking about professional standards in our own appearance and the appearance of the product we send out. We are here to represent our company, our brand, ourselves as professionals and how we do so is very important. Perception is reality. I have listed a few areas where the perception that we’re giving off may be hurting us.
Corporate dress codes:
Does your company have a dress code? Thoughts on hair, colors, cuts, tattoos, piercings? If not, why not?
In the multihousing industry, we work with all kinds of people, and that’s one of the perks of our job. Shouldn’t we be allowed to be our own person? Have our own look? Of course, but let’s be completely honest, your choices in how you dress and present yourself will determine how far you go in your career.
If your company’s image is corporate and professional, why struggle against it? You knew it when you were hired. I love tattoos, I love all the vibrant hair color, I love everyone individual enough to stand out in the crowd. I’m just suggesting that IF individuality is frowned on at your place of business, don’t flaunt them there.
If you’re not sure whether it’s appropriate, please consult your HR Department for a copy of the dress code. If you don’t have one, do a quick Google search for “example of corporate dress code” and see what comes up.
Written Corporate Standards:
Does your company have standards for email signatures? For how you communicate? The way things look?
Again, this goes back to my earlier statement of perception is reality. When you send out a letter in Comic Sans (Comic Sans, people?!) or a signature in Curlz (just come on now!), it is going to be perceived as unprofessional. Many companies have adopted corporate standards in regards to fonts, signatures, colors, etc. Find out if your company has professional standards in place and change accordingly. Save the fun fonts for your correspondence at home.
Grammar and its importance:
Ok, so you’re dressing professionally and following along with your company’s written corporate standards, fantastic. But did you know, bad grammar will make you look unprofessional every time. Trust me, I have been known to write some pretty obvious grammar and spelling mistakes, and it gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I do.
Take a few seconds to copy and paste what you're writing in Word for a quick spelling and grammar check. Read it out loud several times. Give it to a coworker or friend to proofread. Are you stuck on where to use things like effect vs affect or their, there, they’re, go online. There are numerous resources available to you.
To sum up, appearance is vitally important. We have enough challenges renting apartments, why add to them with things that we can easily control?
Perception is reality. In our industry, we are asking people to trust us to take care of their community, their homes. And if we’re giving off the perception of being unprofessional or uneducated, then we’re neither going to earn their trust, nor ultimately, their rent.