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Top 5 Social Media Tools for Apartment Marketing

Top 5 Social Media Tools for Apartment Marketing

Top 5 Social Media Tools for Apartment Marketing

Social Media is now an integral part of any apartment community or portfolios marketing. However, many don't have the right tools to handle the daily struggle of creating and managing their social media presence and campaigns. That is why we here at BreadBox brought together our top 5 favorite Social Media tools to make the process easier and ultimately, create a better social media experience for your apartment marketing.

Buffer | buffer.com

Buffer is a stripped down, yet intuitive social media posting tool. It makes it very easy to schedule posts, analyze performance, and manage all your accounts in one place. It works with all major services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc.), and has a "queue" system to post based on a predetermined schedule. It's a great platform to manage all the Social Media posts for your apartment community or portfolio. 

PRO TIP: Get the Chrome buffer extension. It allows you to share web pages or images directly from your browser without even opening the app. 


Pablo | pablo.buffer.com

This little-known service from Buffer, allows you to create social media posts with minimal design knowledge. Just choose an image, add some text, add your logo and download your finished post. You can even upload your own image to use, scale it to fit any service (Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and comes with some pre-made templates. Your team can create compelling posts in minutes. Oh, and it's FREE! 


Feedly | feedly.com

Feedly is the gold star of "content aggregators". It allows you to pull in news stories from your favorite sources, read them and seamlessly share them on your social media accounts. Simply add a source that you usually get your news from, and the service will automatically pull in any and all new content. No need to keep visiting the site. This is a fantastic tool for sharing local news with your residents!


Evernote | evernote.com

Evernote is a killer app for taking notes, writing blog posts or even articles. Ever have an idea, and by the time you find a pen, you forget it? Simply open the app on your phone or tablet, jot down your idea and it stores it across all your devices. Also works excellent for meetings, tours with residents to keep their feedback handy and a variety of other uses. 


Grammarly | grammarly.com

Think of Grammarly as your spell check on steroids. This easy to use app takes anything you write and not only checks it for spelling but more importantly, grammar. This can be an indispensable tool for crafting blog posts, articles and much more. It's also a great way to make sure that email your about to send out doesn't sound like a 5th grader wrote it!


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