Upgrades, Services, and Amenities – for less than $500!


Webinar presented by Katie Rigsby

On Demand
$29.99 each

Katie Rigsby challenges us to focus on the needs of our specific residents and make a difference in their day-to-day lives with in-home upgrades, new amenities, or unique services that won't break the bank. Join Katie for a fast-paced session with over 20 ideas and trends for upgrades, services, and amenities that will add value for your residents and won't cost you more than $500!

  • Increase perception of value without breaking the bank.
  • Discover services and upgrades to increase ancillary income.
  • Identify your resident's needs and learn about new amenity trends.

Join Katie Rigsby and the Webinar Wednesday Team on this Special Recorded Broadcast To Upgrade on a Budget!

About Katie Rigsby
Katie Rigsby
About Katie Rigsby
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* Each registration is good for one attendee OR one on-site team. If you would like multiple attendees, group viewing events, or other needs, please contact us.


Comments for this event:
Shatoria Daniels says
All of her ideas were wonderful!
Mary Senger says
A good variety of ideas were shared; some old and some new. I thought she did an ingenious job with converting an old bbcourt or tennis court into something else.
Doetrich Hancock says
I loved the ideas on the upgrades. Everything was perfect!
Christy Killelea says
Fantastic! Very informational! I enjoyed hearing Katie speak and give so many great ideas on Amenities!
Jacqueline Jeffery says
I liked all the inexpensive ideas on how to get better amenitites. all are attainable.
Brittney Zeigler says
Everything was great! I loved the information and that there are references provided to the items presented.
Olivia Greth says
Great ideas we can take away as action items!
Bailey McCray says
I liked really enjoyed the upgrade ideas given.
Alicia Bloch says
Love the ideas!
Tera Burns says
I liked all the upgrade options that Katie gave us.
Kathy Hulsey says
Love all the wonderful ideas she had to help with a property. hoping to do a lot of the ideas she gave us. This one I got a lot out of
Jennifer Webster says
Great Ideas! Thanks!

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