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In an ever-evolving industry, technology has seemed to be a saving grace that alleviates a multitude of the pain points operators, onsite teams and renters face on a daily basis. From smart home technology to automation and AI chatbots, technology is the foundation for all of those amazing advancements. However, not all tech solutions are created equal. Tech solutions meant to ease the day-to-day operations of a community and enhance the resident ...

Ellen Thompson I agree that speedy implementations are best, but it's not always possible. It takes time to get smart locks on 300 units or get the entire staff trained on a new CRM. Sometimes it's a real challenge to get an integration turned on, even if you've paid tens of thousands of dollars for the integration partnership. Want to change social media or reputation suppliers? You'll got to get all your sites connected. I think we all need to work on making our implementations as easy as possible, but some systems are just complicated. I think piloting at one property can help you understand the integration experience and also evaluate if the benefits of the new tech outweigh the startup costs.
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Personalization: Why Renters Insurance Needs Customizable Features

Consumers want to feel like their shopping experiences are uniquely catered to them and their preferences are acknowledged. From everyday shopping for essentials to making larger purchases like cars, apartments or homes, personalization has quickly become a key to customer satisfaction.  Whether it’s during the apartment search or after a resident has already moved into a community, modern renters have d ...

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Risky Business: Addressing Renters Insurance Compliance Challenges for Operators

In an industry that already presents various risks to operators, the last thing they should have to worry about is renters insurance and making sure that residents are in compliance. While renters insurance is a standard requirement for living in an apartment community, not all renters have it. That alone is not only a tremendous risk for operators, but also expensive for their property insurance.

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Slipping Through the Cracks: Managing Renters Insurance Compliance with Technology

Although renters insurance is a standard requirement to live in most apartment communities, operators still find an astounding number of residents live without it. However, this isn’t just a resident-specific problem. If a resident lacks renters insurance, operators are the ones who must shoulder the liability should something happen that requires a claim.  While ma ...

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Got Renters Insurance?

Requiring proof of renters insurance is standard procedure when a new resident signs a lease. Regardless of their proof of insurance at the time of move-in,  many residents either cancel or choose to let it lapse, figuring they can live without it and cut an additional cost, or simply forget to renew their policy.  Although apartment operators generally require residents to have a certain threshol ...

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