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Becki Lord-Pauley and 5 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 4 months ago

Kristi F. Wow Moment

Amanda Hill and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 4 months ago

Katie R. Wow Moment

Brent Williams and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 5 months ago

Joelis B.R. Wow Moment

Amanda Hill and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 5 months ago

Doug C. Wow Moment

The first one is funny, the second one...👀. How do you handle noisy neighbors? Especially of the animal variety?

The first one is funny, the second one...👀. How do you handle noisy neighbors? Especially of the animal variety?
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Felicia Norman and 2 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Gatorade fountain?

Andi Armstrong and 3 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Newest (and Cutest) Tenants

Why women live longer

Trying to hop the fence

Jared S. Leese and 3 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 9 months ago

Great instructional video on how to deal with...

Here's one way to handle rodents in the walls of your community.

Gerry Hunt and 3 others people reacted to Felicia Norman's Video 10 months ago

This Apartment Comes with a Mirror

This guy was happy to have his "free" mirror when he moved into his apartment but 8 months later, he notices it's not just a mirror!

Katheryn Freeberg and 2 others people reacted to Amanda Hill's Video 10 months ago

Slab destroys car

Brent Williams is friends with Andi Armstrong

June is widely recognized as Pride Month, a time when the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies come together to celebrate diversity, equality, and love.  As your resident Queer, I would be thrilled if you would join me in highlighting a cause close to my heart.  This is a topic that I'm sure you can all relate to: housing!Housing is something so many of us take for granted- we grumble about rent prices or the HOA or how much we h ...

Brent Williams It is heartbreaking to hear these stats, and understand that behind each "stat" is a real person who struggles with things that many of us take for granted. Thank you for sharing, Andi, and I'm excited that we can help support this cause!
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Thank you all for the warm welcome to the Multifamily community! Congratulations to Dave Holland for winning the gift card😎!! I hope to be here giving away gift cards for a long time! 🤑🤑🤑

Thank you all for the warm welcome to the Multifamily community! Congratulations to Dave Holland for winning the gift card😎!!  I hope to be here giving away gift cards for a long time! 🤑🤑🤑
Felicia Norman AGAIN?!!??
Lindsay Herrick Yay Dave!!!
Lindsay Herrick Felicia Norman Some guys have all the luck!
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