Topic: ESA Letter vs. HIPAA

Anonymous's Avatar Topic Author
My mental health provider (from the VA; I'm a disabled veteran) has provided me with an Emotional Support Animal letter for me to give to my apartment management. The letter she wrote states that I am "engaging in mental heath care," "condition of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder," and "coping with their mental illness."  Can I redact those 3 specific details on the letter before I print it out? I don't want them to know my specific diagnosis out of fear of retaliation, plus I feel I am protected by HIPAA from having to disclose those specific phrases.

Also, I know that I can request my original pet deposit be refunded. Does that mean I can request the deposit refund now, or can I only request it whenever I end up moving out?

Thank you for your advice!
Posted 1 year 3 months ago
Anne Sadovsky's Avatar Topic Author
Anne Sadovsky
A couple of questions; was you ESA a pet first? Is that why you have a pet deposit?
My opinion is that the letter stating 'engaging in mental health care' would be sufficient.
There is no need for the other statements. However, regarding the editing the document yourself could be a mistake/not acceptable.
Perhaps request that the information provider issue a new document without the words that you find offensive.
Regarding pet deposit, check with the housing provider regarding deposit refund. If you no longer have a 'pet' you can request a pet deposit refund.
Pet rent and pet deposits do not apply to Emotional Support animals.
Posted 1 year 3 months ago
Anonymous's Avatar Topic Author
Hi Anne, thank you for your response.
Yes, my dog was a pet first. We've lived here for a few years and have already paid a pet deposit.
Thank you for your advice!
Posted 1 year 3 months ago