Hi Jolene,
Welcome to community management
We all go through some variation of what you are feeling. Some days so much is coming at you and no one seems satisfied no matter how hard you try. It will get better, but you have to remember to take care of yourself FIRST!
Distressed properties are a real challenge, but once you put your stamp on it you can set back and see how far you've come. In my experience you NEVER end a day feeling like you have completed all you needed to do. When things are really crazy I do my best to go into chill mode. I put out all the fires and then if there's enough time and energy left, I address the everyday stuff.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. I know in the beginning you want to prove yourself, but what happens more often than not is you burn yourself our which makes you no good to anyone.
Take lunch breaks, even if you just take a short drive or walk (AWAY from your property). You need the time to collect yourself and regroup.
Be careful of how many hours your work. It never fails to amaze me how many people I talk to who actually brag about working 70 hours per week. My first thought is "what are you doing that needs that much of your life"? There are times when a little extra is required, but that should not be your regular schedule. If you are working over 40 hours on a constant basis you need help. I love my company and my community, and there has been a few occasions where I worked 16-20 hour days on site. Those have been few and far between. I mean lets be honest, we are working to make a living and provide for our families. Our families need US, not just to come home, but to have energy left over for them when we get home. As a salaried employee which most managers are the minute I work over 40 hours I just took a pay cut. Again, there are times when this happens and you just roll with it, but this should not be your lifestyle.
As Nate said, what about your team? Are they the cause of your stress? If so let'em go. You need to be able to fall back on those around you when times are tough. Loyalty is most important to me. If my team sees I'm dragging they will offer to help. DELEGATE! This has been a hard one for me to learn as I'm not the most patient teacher, however it's not fair to me nor my staff if I don't share the responsibilities with them.
Six years ago I started with this company. I took the challenge of a property that was in HORRIBLE shape, and had a state Tax Credit audit in 30 days. I had never done tax credit before and the community was 90% Hispanic (had only taken high school Spanish so I was basically unable to communicate). The RPM was frantic to get all 243 file corrections completed by the audit. (My company is known for never having compliance issues) One day there were several other managers as well as my RPM working in the clubhouse to help get files corrected It was crazy so I just kinda snuck out to my office, closed the door, lit some incense (I know that's pretty cheesy) and went to work. Later that day the RPM cornered me because I seemed too relaxed about the audit. I brought her into my office and showed her the progress I had made as well as other stuff I needed to accomplish. She was amazed, but after I explained to her that I don't do stress and drama she understood. I needed to close myself off and get the job done.
One other piece of advise I have to offer is stay our of company politics and drama. Many times managers vent their frustrations to each other. Things that I never thought of in the past start to bother me because someone who was unhappy brought them up; I found that I would absorb that energy which only made me more stressed and unhappy. Now I have a good relationship with colleagues, but when the start complaining I change the subject. At my last company I could tell you all about what other properties did, what they got away with, who was fired, etc. None of that made my job better or made me a better manager. All it did was add negativity to an already stressful situation.
Oh one more thing, I tell my assistant all the time “if you can’t get it done today and it can wait till tomorrow let it; it will still be here tomorrow. I promise no little elves are going to break into the office and steal the work you left behind”
Hope some of this helps; now I better get to work before I hit that 40 hours