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The huge value of 1:1 meetings

The huge value of 1:1 meetings

The-huge-value-of-one-on-one-meetings The huge value of 1:1 meetings

I was a manager for years before I realized the value of regularly scheduled, recurring one-on-one meetings, also referred to as 1:1s. In fact, I resisted them. "I already have too many meetings in my life," my self-talk went. "My people can reach me anytime they need me. There's no need to put more meetings on any of our calendars."

Then, a new hire insisted on it. I begrudgingly began holding weekly 1:1 meetings with them. Before long, I realized these meetings were perhaps the best use of time in my entire schedule.

There are so many benefits to regularly scheduled 1:1 meetings between a supervisor and their direct report. Here are the biggest I see: 

Improved Efficiency

When you have recurring meetings on the calendar, you end up facing fewer work interruptions during the rest of your schedule because your direct reports learn to save the things that need your attention for the next upcoming meeting. Far fewer daily fire drills? I'll take it!

Candid Feedback

Regular meetings allow for feedback to become routine, which is a good thing. When you get into the rhythm of constantly providing praise and/or coaching, that feedback becomes less stressful or dramatic for either the giver or receiver. Instead, a healthy pattern of honesty develops.


Creating a time and space for your employees to get your full attention is powerful. It's true that in many workplaces the most reliable performers often get the least attention because bosses are so consumed by correcting underperformers. The use of recurring 1:1 meetings ensures strong contributors are not overlooked.


A recent study cited in Harvard Business Review found over 85% of workers admit to staying quiet about an issue that would have been important for the boss to know. It can be difficult for team members to bring a concern to the boss' attention, especially if they must request a meeting for that purpose. Having regular meetings on the calendar removes that barrier and encourages candid communication.

Employee Loyalty and Tenure

Effective communication creates the foundation for a positive and productive relationship between an employee and their supervisor. Employees who are satisfied with their relationship with their boss are more likely to stick around. 1:1 meetings contribute to keeping your employee turnover in check.

I'd love to know about your own experience. Do you use 1:1 meetings with those you support? Does your supervisor make time for a regular 1:1 with you? How does this impact your work? Please share your experience and any strategies you've learned that may benefit others. 


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