Sharing Each Other's Blogs

Brent Williams Monday, 03 January 2011 15:24

Hi Everybody,

I want to show you how you can support each other, which ends up supporting yourself!  Each week, I share some of my favorite blogs on various LinkedIn groups.  I don't share on the MFI group, as they already hit that group.  I don't do it from an MFI point of view, but rather a "fan" point of view because I simply enjoy the blog, just like any other member would do.  But what it also does is lead them to the blogs area, which inevitably leads the reader to one of my blogs, if I've written recently.  In other words, by helping my fellow bloggers by sharing their blogs, I end up helping myself.

So whenever you write a new blog (or are just reading through them), I suggest sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and possible StumbleUpon (once we try that out) - See if "Karma" turns around and draws more viewers to your blogs!

Happy Blogging in 2011!


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