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Brent Williams Discussion started by Brent Williams 13 years ago

Hello Bloggers!

Periodically I like to give you a heads up on how the site is doing so you know exactly what type of impact your blogging will get when you post, and I’m happy to share that more people are reading your blogs than ever before.  The site has grown 102% over this month last year, and has reached over 128,000 unique multifamily professionals over the past year!  This includes many of the top executives and decision makers in our industry, so it continues to be a great place to establish your “brand name”, your expertise, and your following.

So if you have been thinking, “I need to get back on a blogging routine,” this is a perfect time to do it.  If you need inspiration, this might put the wheels in motion.  Our audience is the most advanced segment in the industry, which means they need more “meat” in the posts to keep them progressing.  One way to do that is to take individual aspects of your field and dissecting them in much greater detail.  For example, we have recently begun to dig into model apartments in a big way, such as defining emotional responses during the tour, discussing tactile elements, considering aromas and smells, and other specific items regarding model apartments!  The same examination can be done across the board, such as what impacts the usability of a balcony, what is the most effective staffing strategy for weekends, what community clubhouse design leads to the most use and interaction, etc, etc, etc.

I do need to give you a heads up on some clarifications in our guidelines:

  1. Previously, we have said that each blog can have a link in the byline. But we see there is some value in having a link in the body, as well. So blogs can now have a link in both places. However, we don’t want the blogs to be riddled with links back to someone’s websites, so any additional links are a no-go.

  2. We have thought about this for a very long time, but one of the things that is important to the success of the site is our reputation as a source for trending and interesting topics. So anything that creates the feeling that MFI is a second-hand source will hurt that reputation. We don’t require exclusive content, as we realize many of you like to post your blogs on your own website, but please refrain from using phrases like “Originally posted on…”, “Also seen on…”, or any other phrase that implies MFI is just a republisher.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences with us and helping others to learn through you!