Hi Sandy,
What is the motivation of Owner to offer online rent pay in the first place? I would encourage online rent payments by credit card only because residents who may be experiencing a financial issue one month (like paying car repair bill) might be able to pay with a credit card, thus incurring no late fees. So, if the Owner is looking for this option, offering the option is beneficial. We all know that offering credit card payments on your own can mean increased operational costs to cover the fees the credit card company will charge back.
It sounds to me like, and I could be wrong, that the Owner is upset because there is a cap on the amount of late fees you can charge. Having worked with many renters who cannot meet their monthly obligations for various reasons, I can tell you, there is no advantage to charging huge late fees, except that in most states these can be written off.
Last, I am curious as to what the offer of a concession is all about? If the unit rent is $800, why do you want to lower the value by $600 per month? IT seems to me that the value is at $750 then, not $800. I understand the concept of the concession addendum; however, I assume, again that the Owner is willing to do that because he can write off the concession lost but not the rent. People who cannot pay, cannot pay, even with a concession addendum - and then that extra amount may be even more dollars left uncollected when there is a problem with paying.
It sounds like what your Owner is really grappling with Is your area made up of renters with questionable ability to pay? I would encourage the Owner to revamp that resident selection criteria and get rid of the slow payers at renewal time by not renewing. I believe it is better to get rid of them by non-renewal and/or eviction and get people in who will pay promptly. The more rope you extend, the more likely they will be to hang themselves.
If the payment option is only through echeck payment, then you may still encounter declined payments depending on your service provider. The only time I would accept partial payments is - never - but if you must, because the Owner insists, then do it in writing as a Pay Agreement so that if the remaining payment is missed, you can still evict by demanding full payment on the first of the next month.
The biggest motivator I have seen is for residents understanding the eviction process will be followed and offering PRAISE and REWARD for Early Pays. Residents typically really like these programs, including offering Resident Prizes, money off next month rent in a drawing, and Rewards Programs you may have through a vendor (I highly recommend these!)