If you need a good job, then you definitely need a good resume. A resume is the first communication tool that job seekers have with potential employers. Therefore, it is imperative that a resume be professionally written.
Many people don't think a resume formats matters a lot than the information.Assume that you wrote information very well but your resume did not get noticed than...?
I agree, a resume is actually an employers first look at you. The resume is what makes an employer call or not. Also, resumes are not only good for employment, but for submitting RFQ's, RFP's and many other presentations. Microsoft Word 2007 has a bunch good templates.
A well-written and planned resume is vital. This is your indication into how well the employee will correspond with prospects and residents. How professional they are in dealing with vendors or the public. If they have spelled things wrong, made poor word choices or just bungled the job in general on their resume, they will do it on other correspondence too.
I have seen resumes where the actual person's name was misspelled! Phone numbers didn't have enough digits. I have received them with coffee rings. You still see them without e-mail addresses or where the most recent work experience isn't listed or is at the bottom, rather than the top. Seek advice if you don't know how, but make sure your resume represents your best effort. It is your billboard!