Anyone else tired of getting the "my furniture won't fit in here" comment in a vacant unit? Wish you could set up a model but don't have the money? We created a string model this week! Mason jars, yarn, sand and origami paper for "flowers" in the top of the jars. $45 total and prospects think it is adorable.
Wow... I had no idea how much response this post was going to get. I said just the other day that I thought I was way too excited about this marketing idea, but it turns out y'all think it's amazing too! Thanks so much for your positive response and encouragement!
If I get too many vacants, that's when I raid my own house of extra comforters & pillows, arranging them to the size of a queen sized bed on the floor, put some magazines on the "bedside table", maybe some boxes where a dresser would be, etc. We have a framed sign that says something like "you'll sleep well dreaming of us here at ....Apts"
The living room has a lamp w/ some folding chairs the size of a typical sofa with an afghan folded across the back, dining room has a folding table & 2 chairs w/ a table cloth over it & tea set on top. Borrow a couple of chairs from the pool deck.
It can also be done w/ cardboard neatly cut out he size of the furnishings & can be cutely decorated and write across it. "I am an 84" sofa, don't I look beautiful in here?" Minimal cost and you can fold it flat easily behind a file cabinet or something until you need is & easily move it to the next one.
I keep the smaller display items in one of those collapsible folding grocery carts so it's super easy to pack up and move around as needed & it's always ready