I don't think it's fair I split my leasing commission with my manager.

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1 month 1 week ago #644544 by Anonymous
I am a leasing agent for work. I get paid hourly and I make commission off every lease I get. Now, I was a leasing agent years ago, but I decided to be a stay at home mom for a couple years and recently got back into it.However, at my last job, the leasing agent would get the commission for leases and the assistant manager would get commission for renewals. It was never split and that's how it went.At my current job, I just started about a month ago, I asked why my name wasn't on 2 of the 6 leases I had for October. My manager told me me and her were splitting them. One of the leases she "toured" while I was not here (which is not true, the resident rescheduled the tour and I was the one who took her and closed the deal) and the other lease she said we would be splitting because this person came in months ago and toured with the former leasing agent so its a "split lease.. which is BS because yes, she came months ago, but she never applied and YOU never even toured her! She came back, I toured her AND closed the deal!I feel like this is super unfair and it's super upsetting. 
1 month 1 week ago #644544 by Anonymous