Does anyone have a good preventative maintenance excel template. I need a comprehensive template for all things pertinent to our building (boiler maintenance, backflow, ect.). Any and all help is hugely appreciated. Thanks!
Thank you Mary, this is very helpful. I will be putting together my combined version of everyones suggestions and posting tomorrow for everyone's professional review!
Hi There! It looks like you have the spread sheets you were looking for, I just wanted to share a part of the program implementation we did on site that was very successful. We were required by the owner to physically inspect each apartment twice per year, so we tied the inspeciton to our preventative maintenance program. Two maintenance technicians and one office associate would do the inspections together. The two maintenance techs would perform the preventative maint/inspection and the office associate would carry the clip board with the detailed inspection form and check off each item, while also noting anything important about the unit for future follow up or note in the resident file. It worked beautifully. By haveing two techs there we were also able to make minor repairs when we saw them and leave a note for the resident letting them know we took care of what we found! Worked great for customer service/resident retentiont too! It was aslo great to have an office associate see the property from the service techs point of view!
Thank you! That's an excellent idea. I personally have never been averse to the "killing two birds with one stone" approach. Thank you everyone again for you help and insight.
You are very welcome! I love sharing good ideas! My motto is that I don't have to be smart enough to come up with all of the great ideas, but I do have to be smart enough to know a good idea when I see/hear it!
Could you upload your preventative maintenance sheet again please? I seem to be in the same situation and it looks like the links have expired! Thank you!