Hi All!
I work for a large complex, and every year we participate in a third party survey about our property- I am just looking for any ideas if anybody has them to makret this my residents and get them coming in to fill out the surveys. I am usually a very creative person- but at this point I think that my creative energy isn't flowing like it should
We already have some things like giving out raffle tickets to win a month rent free, an iPad3, and other prizes, but I think I need a very unique spin to advertise and get them to fill out their surveys (and not just to complain LOL)
Thanks guys!!!
Is the survey something you do every year? Or, is this new for you and your Residents? Sometimes, when it isn't new, Residents become a bit complacent. If it is new, maybe they don't understand how valuable their feedback is.
Have you tried:
1. Going on a door-to-door campaign, taking a small goodie bag and asking them to take a moment to fill it out? That way you can personally explain its value.
2. Instead of a lottery drawing (which many Residents may feel like they have no chance of winning) you could provide "coupons" for concierg items, like a Late Rent Pass, tickets to a local college soccer match, hockey match, etc.
3. Placing balloons on doors announcing a chance to win with the survey attached?
4. Posting it on Facebook Page? Emailing it to Residents? Texting Survey Deadline reminders?
5. Giving a Prize for the most creative survey description of how to improve something on/about the property?
*We offered them a "free gift" fir returning the survey as long as we had their name and apartment #. The free gift was just a bag of microwave popcorn with a cute saying on it.
*Always distribute surveys 3-5 days prior to rent collection, that way they can turn both in at the same time and don't have to make a special trip but it is not so far away from rent collection day that they forget about it.