The Park Kiely Apartments started using Live Chat through Contact@once and we love it. At first we were very hesitate on the availability of the staff and being able to respond. The set up is really cool because whom ever
is available will be the one to respond.
Our team has gotten a little competitive with who can respond the fastest. So how it works is from our website a little icon appears asking if the resident or prospect would like to chat. From the office stand point once they select the option to chat every active computer (you can change the settings) will ring once to alert you someone is requesting to chat.
The first employee to accept the request can now chat, and everyone in the office will hear one more ring that notifies that the prospect/resident is in conversation.
It's quick simple and with todays "I want service quick and right away," its the perfect way to provide fast response time which leads to great customer service!
A sister property ask a great question before purchasing for their property,"Well, what about if someone just walks in and sits and your desk? You don't want to be rude and continue typing right?"
My reply was simple. Contact@once has quick reply options that you can click and send (really cool it your not a fast typer). One of which asks for contact information or to bear with you for one momment that you are assisting someone at your desk.
I would seriously recommend this