Holy moly...an ASTOUNDING number of lost leads come in either after hours or through email requests that get dropped through the cracks.
We listen, read, review, map out, time-log, color-code, x-ray, fingerprint and GuantanamoBay-torture every lead that comes through our RentWiki system to assure that only the Legit ones are bonused to our Wiki-Share and Reviews-done-Right partners and I never cease to be amazed at the lost rent revenue sailing out of apartment communities' doors because Legit Leads have no follow-up.
BUT, don't get me wrong...I've worked onsite for years. That arduous task of being on the front lines is not for the faint of heart. Many times as senior managers, we lay a mine-field of time-wasters in front of our Leasing Teams with zero "May-Day" back-up help on hand.
Even if you extend office hours, there are only so many hours in a day to lease apartments, send reports to corporate, walk vacants, send paperwork to corporate, walk make-readies, send new reports to corporate, corporate market, correct reports sent to corporate, talk to vendors, send reports to corporate that were misplaced while picking up cigarette butts. And I forgot to mention moving people in, resident renewals, shopping competition...I'm blathering...I'll stop.
Many great Leaders learn by following. Our Leasing Teams need great Leaders to help filter out the interference so they can do what they were hired to do. Lease apartments.