Juan Carlos Suarez .... So the kids were never on the rental property before homeschooling started? You never had gym rules posted previously or.....?
I'm just confused with what people suddenly homeschooling has to do with gym rules ????
Christopher Fluegge Let me De-Confuse you. Prior to this the kids had more Off-Property activities and it balanced out and had a rhythm. For the foreseeable future they will be in-property 100%. Plus they have been cooped up inside their apts over 2 months and all amenities closed or severely limited. We open Pool Next week and the Gym after that. We are just preparing the right wordage to deal with the wave or pent-up youthful energy that may come, or not. Yes we have existing rules and wordage. I am only looking if anyone has a better wording that fits this situation, in a more fun, friendly and fair-housing-safe way, for our opening announcements.
Yes we did...and we complied when we drew them up a few years back, but we are just revising because as we open amenities, and we may have to stress the kids (minors under age of x) in machines/pool issue...
So how you all dealing wjth residents calling to report other residents having corona, but everyone has seperate entrances? Also, resident feels I should tell them no to come outside
Addressing it as no one under X age without an adult or adult resident is the way to go. Mentioning the word "children" in rules, especially posted ones could be a fair housing issue if someone perceives it to be discriminatory
Our attorney said to say occupant instead of children. Please make sure all occupants are supervised by a leaseholder. He stated saying anyone under the age of -- is also discriminatory
If you don’t want a lawsuit - don’t do this. Fitness equipment comes with the manufacturers recommended use which includes age limitations. Post the rules based on data- what does the manufacturer recommend.
"Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or someone designated by their parent or guardian" is the place to start. Generally speaking, HUD now considers 16 (instead of 18) as "safe harbor" (meaning you're probably OK using that age). Just restricting the supervisory role to a parent or guardian can be seen as restrictive so allow a supervisor designated by the parent or guardian. Whenever possible, use any guidelines furnished by the equipment manufacturer if it calls for a younger age needing supervision. Also, check with local ordinances to see if unsupervised persons of a younger age are permitted. Stay away from any word other than "person" to designate a human of any age. Hope this helps!