I have a question for you.
I was in a residents apartment yesterday on a maintenance call, and when I went to the apartment it would appear that this resident has not cleaned his bathroom, kitchen or apartment once since he moved in and it will be a year in July.
Have you ever experienced anything like this? How would you address it? Would you address it? Would you offer a renewal with conditions?
I am truly at a loss as this is the first time I am encountering a situation like this.
Thank you in advance.
We would bring the lack housekeeping up to the resident if the problem will attract bugs or rodents or will permanently damage the unit or something that is a fire hazard. I do see showers that need a good cleaning and I mention to the resident that they need to remove the "staining" on the shower floor so it does not become an issue at move out.
we look for filthy /pest infested/nasty etc apartments when we do our 6 week inspections. When we find then we issue a lease violation as well as the " filthy apartment letter" and let them know we will be back to re-inspect to make sure it is clean in a week. If it is not we re-issue another lease violation and come back in 3 days to re-inspect. If it is not clean again we issue the 3d violation and begin the eviction process. They usually clean the unit. The standard TAA ( Texas Apartment Association) is clear on the unit needing to be clean.
Experienced poor housekeeping many times in this industry. You need to give lease violation for failure to maintain the unit. Usually after 3 violations its time to issue a notice to vacate. Also, take pictures of the unit each time you inspected for your records. Remember to be detail on the violation by informing the resident what area needs attentions.