I am with you Mindy. I have written in with some other veterans that say all political figures on capital hill should be limited to 2 four year terms and then back to the working world.
All lobbying entities should be restricted from capital hill and any issues they have be put before the people to be voted on at the same time as we are voting for the candidates.
Stop all campaign contributions and the media give egual time to candidates such as 5 minutes.
There be one Internet or TV station where the people can see the issues that are up for vote and be able to look in on our elected official and see how they voted real time.
Last but not least do away with the Electoral College. It was good for its time, but if there was ever a time where a seat can be bought this is the place. $271 million is nothing to some of these organizations. Give each person a million just to check another block. Hummmm, what would be the penalty if caught? Maybe a $20,000 fine, well do the math!
Al Gore won by popular vote of over 500,000 votes, but lost in the Electoral College. Now that scares me and this was not the first time as it has happened. Here is a credible link that talks about the process. You can draw from it what it means to you.