I recently purchased a complex with 100% beige appliances. I have around 2,000 per unit to spend on interior renovations. Replacing the appliances is not an option. However I will be replacing countertops and either replacing or painting the cabinets. Does anyone have a good solution or creative look that will work with using the Beige appliances. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm not an interior designer, but having been through many capital improvement projects and a few "older" buildings, I know this. The cabinets should certainly not be dark. Try to get them to be the same color as the appliances. Also, the countertop cannot be white, or beige, and should not be dark. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. I would also look for a supplier who has the same beige appliances in case you need to replace them down the road. Because if you redo the kitchens for the appliances, you might want the same color appliances when something goes out.