In 1995 I became one of the first people nationally to promote and sell water submeter systems. After 15 years and some 150,000 metered points of service I knew we were leaving out owners who used boilers to heat and distribute hot water. The submeter industry remains today the most equitable form for billing residents for the consumption of water.
How ever when water submetering established itself in the multifamily industry, those owners using a closed loop boiler system to heat potable water just got left out. No any more. Our group Efficient Commercial Materials Sales Group or ECM Sales Group is now introducing the “On Demand Circulation Pump System”. If you ask yourself two questions 1) Does your building have a central domestic hot water system that utilizes a recirculation pump? 2) Is your domestic hot water loop independent of your hydronic heating loop? If you answer yes to both of these questions you need to look at the on “DEMAND CIRC” pump system.
The system provides property owners an opportunity to reduce the cost of gas by 30% to heat hot water in a boiler. Additionally the electric energy used to run the pump in a closed re-circulating loop is reduced by more than 80%. Hot water is delivered in just seconds and helps to reduce water consumption waiting for hot water to reach the point of service. In closing the system extends the usable life for the pump, the boiler, the hot water pipes and more since the system turns everything off when there is no demand for hot water. The savings created by installing the pump will pay the cost of the system in roughly a year.
By operating in this fashion, the recirculation loop temperature is allowed to cool during periods of non-use, slowing down heat losses, and kick-starts the temperature back to normal when someone does need hot water. The pump electricity is reduced by over 80%, but more importantly, the heat radiating from the recirculation loop is reduced by over 50%, which can result in an overall 20 to 30% reduction in the water heating energy consumption
The D’MAND CIRC is a recirculation pump used for domestic hot water that operates based on user demand within the building as well as temperature of the recirculation loop. It will run intermittently, as needed, throughout the day running an average of 1 hour vs. the 24/7 continuous pumps that are currently in use. One pump system is required for each loop in a project. The cost is minimal and will pay for itself in less than a year.
So if you would like more information on this new system please Email me at
[email protected] or phone me at 619-534-1134.