Would like opinions on leasing to a previous resident who posted very negative dishonest reviews on two separate social media outlets - now requesting to come back.
How were they as residents though? If paid on time and gave notice with limited to no lease violations, I’d say you should allow them to come back. Because that’s the criteria residency should be based on
They were good residents. We will lease to them again, but will ask them to remove the negative posts. Just curious what others thought. False reviews are so frustrating!
I would rent to them, assuming they still qualified, but I would definitely bring this up in conversation. Not confrontational, just more of a question for them.
If you approve them and they do move back in, respond to the original negative post like you are welcoming them back and encourage further positive feedback type posts.... taking the high road in this puts a spin on the negative post: if their opinion is so low, why did they even consider returning?
Why would you rent to a person that was unhappy and left bad reviews. Don't we have the right to not rent to past rubbish tenants or does that fall under fair housing, I don't see it very fair! Do you?
Yeah, they already lived here once before and apparently didn't like it. They got part of the deposit back as well. It's fine. They were good residents. Paid on time no problems. So of course they are welcome back. I'll take their money.
Welcome them with open arms. Perhaps you can change their experience this time around and get them to revise their review. I wish I got this opportunity. Most people move out and we never get the opportunity to change their mind on how they felt bc they leave the review once they’ve moved out.
I would lease to them if they qualify, definitely discuss the previous reviews and then ask they put a new review of why they moved back. They must have realized you weren't as bad as they thought and it was them being difficult. We are not in the business to take all of this so personal.
5 years 9 months ago#25405by Celena Montantes - Mayo
Many times people don't realize how good they had it until they move somewhere else - their opinion could have changed, their comments could have been in the heat of a moment - I would ask them about it but it wouldn't be part of the decision making.process