Really that’s interesting but the consensus seems to come from older members of the apartment community. When I leased in Atlanta younger renters were the easiest the older were the most high maintenance especially most women over 50 acted like they were the Queen of England. Maybe young people understand young people and older people understand older people. Just a thought
5 years 3 months ago#31264by Miguel Andres Correales
Miguel Andres Correales we have 545 student housing beds (ages 18-24) and I'm only 30, most are nice but about a 1/4 are the bane of my existence. We also have 40-2 bedroom conventional duplexes (most are over 50), same situation there, most are cool but some are real limit testers. I just think when you get a whole bunch of people together, no matter the age, a chunk of them are gonna be bone heads. And bone heads are always the most challenging and annoying; we tend to remember them the most
Miguel Andres Correales naw, I'm only 39 and get along with all ages typically.
However, renters lets say between the ages of 20 and 25 seem to definitely have a mentality of thinking if they "feel" they are right they MUST be and if you don't agree with them they will have their parents step in for them and try to debate you into a corner. I've heard the term "this is unacceptable" like 100 times by a group of young people I have on a property in reference to them basically not getting their way.
And while yes older people can also be very difficult it usually stays between them and you and not them, you, mommy, daddy, grandpa, grandma, boyfriend, girlfriend, Google research etc......
The worst ones get mommy and daddy involved. Let’s try to be an adult for a moment. Do your parents still wipe your butt too?
Then you have those law students, like they know the law better then you.
Yes! For sure. I work in student housing and sometimes our residents can be so extra.
Today we got this little love letter from someone paying their move out bill. None of our units have deposits. Guess how much their bill was that prompted this letter? $19.38. and $15 of it was for utilities. I checked their account and during their 2 years living here they have only ever been charged for rent, not a penny more.
I sent him a receipt back and just said. "Per your request, here is a receipt of your payment. We enjoyed having you as a resident and wish you nothing but luck in the future." Kill people with kindness, especially when they don't deserve it. It will either a) make them more angry but you come off smelling like roses or b) they feel like a butt hole for being so nasty.
Rachel Lynette Payton their lack of understanding makes them impossible for me to communicate with in many cases. So they involve their parents who come armed with Google knowledge and an air of treating me like I'm the help lol.
At least with the older generation they keep the conversation between the two of us and after they don't get their way they kind of just go away.
I have a young girl who literally screamed and cried at a contractor who was replacing some rotting wood around the windows of her building because he "killed her wasps" when he removed their hive from her window..... ummmm wtf
I’ve had difficult residents on both ends- young and old.
I will say that younger folks are generally less fussy, more receptive to online leasing/email communications, -and are more self-sufficient.
The old folks will tear your butt apart for a plant being watered the wrong way! But there are exceptions to every rule and I still greet everyone, young or old, with a smile.
Agreed!! Thats because they have been shown that they are entitled to have their way. Everyone gets a trophy or a ribbon for participating. No one is shown reality comes with the word No.
Tiffany Stennett you nailed it. I swear it's like they're literally shocked that they're being told no definitively. I have a 20 and 18 year old and I've come home and lectured them about how how they better not be out in the world acting foolish
Abigail McCulloch I have a 19 year old and he knows better and is very mannerable. I had a parent get upset because I told her child your welcome after I did them a favor. She said it was unnecessary. I told her so you dont think its important that your child knows how and when to say thank you. She stood there like I was speaking a foreign language. Pathetic parenting. Smh.
I really dont think this is an age thing. People in general expect more from everything and everyone. Our residents expect more from us, our bosses expect more, our owners expect more, we expect more from them as well. We expect our bosses to give us a voice, we expect more money for doing the same job. At the end of the day you should deliver the service you expect and treat people the way you want to be treated. Stop trying to BE right and DO what's right. Asshats come in all ages, colors, shapes and sizes.
Shit you should have seen the new generation leasing agent I witnessed today! He looked like he just stepped out a car with Kim Kardashian. Royal
Blue loafers, tight pants rolled up at bottom, fitted shirt with three buttons up, Gucci belt and a blazer! I was like shit I’m getting old!
OH MY GOSH, YES! Literally told a resident I would not waive his late fees and he requested to be removed from all email chains and requested we NOT contact him again. I said “Oh okay, before I remove your email don’t forget your lease is up in November and you’re required a written 60 day notice.”
I'd rather work in the Barrio than work in student housinh. In the hood no one wants any trouble. But I'm not in the hood or the Barrio any more I'm in norman ok in market rate community with a good mix and I've got to say asshole come all ages and they r not a protected class. I've got this one kid so out of line with his arguing and smart ass mouth that I've trespassed him from the office.
Someone came in the other day wanting to know where their complimentary Starbucks drink was and I’m like ????♂️ Then they asked if we had vegan free plants around the property. I’m like hold up let me go count
I kind of agree that all age groups tend to be equally "entitled". My younger residents seem to think that they are special b/c they live in a $1400/mo unit for free and get a stipend (zero incomers)….which to them, translates into, "I am king and you are my servant". And yet my older crowd seems to think that b/c they are older (I am older than 99% of my residents at 57 years old) they have "paid their dues to society" so now I am, once again, their servant. I had one resident tell my maintenance man that "she pays his paycheck". (she pays $11/mo. rent) SMH