What type of ground do you have? We had pebble stone then changed to turf because a lot of the dogs wouldn’t walk on the rocks/people wouldn’t pick up after their dogs.
We have this like pellet type stuff our installer spreads every 6 months that eliminates odor and bacteria
I have my Facilities Teams use Odo Ban but the Turf has to be cleaned twice a day with water hose/ power washer. Or you can put a sprinkler system in with a push button for the residents to push after using
Have your landscaping company install a fertigation unit that's tied into your irrigation in the pet park. It will spray an exzyme when sprinklers come on which is pet friendly and almost fully eliminates any odors.
This is hard. I managed a property once where it was used to heavily the urine killed the grass. They sell odor blockers that are cheap but never really worked. We ended up having to put irrigation in at the park. That solves the issue but is expensive!
We sell a concentrated liquid deodorant that has been effective in controlling these odors. It takes diligent application by your staff on a daily or every second day. You can use a pressurized sprayer to apply.
We have pet gravel in ours, Porters clean it daily and rake it. Ours doesn't smell but our regional maintenance team is looking to installing a turf and draining system in 2020.
Can you talk residents into adding a Tbsp of tomato juice to their dog food every day? I did this in a single family home community I managed and the lawns were lush and the smell significantly less.
Besides the chemical treatments it is also important to wash the area down to help dilute the dog urine. In the picture posted I see synthetic turf. If the synthetic turf is not specifically manufactured for pet parks then then backing material may be trapping odors that cannot be eliminated. Also, another items that helps is to keep air circulating. The dog park in the picture is confined by a parking garage and a building on all sides. The addition of wall mounted, outdoor fans would help circulate air and remove lingering odors. Hope this helps.
5 years 2 months ago#31716by Robinson & Co. Landscape Architects