Not a fan. Seems to end up being a black mark on the guarantor since there is such a lack of accountability. Not to say I do not occasionally end up with one or 2. Seems to end badly every Time!
Students have no rental history. If in a college town you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot in terms of prospects by not taking co-signers. And if you take them for students..... fair housing and all. I don’t think I ever had an issue with them.
5 years 2 months ago#31989by Rachel Lynette Payton
Never had an issue. You have to set the frame work from the beginning on their purpose, and hold the equally accountable for the residents mishaps. That’s what they’re there for.
Co-signers only for lack of income, no other reason. Those co-signers have to make 4x the rent to ensure they can afford their own rent/mortgage on top of the rent they’re liable for. Most often it’s family and they still have to pass the credit/criminal background check on top of income requirements.
I ❤️❤️Co signers must make 6 times the rent all of mine are mainly parents and they pay when I call they pay and after they move out if they have damages I send all the pics and they pay the damages
It’s extra work but it gets leases. When I was a CM we required that the leasee meet the credit criteria and that the guarantor show income of at lease 5 times the rent amount. I am sure other people so it differently.
We accept guarantors but they have to have at least 5x the amount of the total lease contract in liquid assets. We typically don’t get too many applicants that need guarantors though.