So this resident in my community put up his own "Ministers Parking Only" sign (he says hes a pastor but he's always home on the weekend?). He said its fair housing if the emotional people don't have to pay pet fees then the spiritual people shouldn't have to pay reserved parking fees as his job 'is to bless and not to stress about parking'. I can't this real?
YEs he has a handicapped permit as this is on a handicapped space that is in a highly used part of the garage. Trying to keep that handicapped space for him. I thought I've seen it all is a new day.
Sir, you are setting an unacceptable standard. While I appreciate your insight, please understand that you are opening the door for everyone to follow suit with their chosen belief system.
I guess you can't blame a guy for trying, but seriously
HE should know better.
Tell him the Bible says "be anxious for nothing...", so he shouldn't be stressing anyway LOL.
Contact the Zoning Dept. in your city
a.) did he pay for a sign permit?
b.)is there an ordinance concerning unauthorized posting of bills law on the books.
c.) does it meet the MUTCD (Federal traffic control ordinances for reflectivity & standard height requirements?
d.) ditto your state’s traffic sign ordinances?
e.) does it in anyway infringe on ADA standards for parking?
f.) yank it out of the ground, it’s your property & send him the bill for fixing the dirt, grass re-seeding.
No. Can't discriminate on the basis of religion, however, special modification/accommodations only afforded to disabled. I teach Fair Housing and am a Compliance Manager.
Josué Adam in this scenario no, not based on the information provided. It can get confusing for professionals because religion is a protected class, so we might get concerned when a tenant in any protected class makes a demand. This just means we are trying to follow the law.
What being in a protected class means, is that we cannot treat someone DIFFERENTLY because of their membership in it. (For example, his religion). So, if you charged him MORE for reserved parking because he was a pastor, or ONLY charged HIM and not other tenants... because he was a pastor... that would be a problem.
Federal law allows for special treatment for people with disabilities- in the form of reasonable modifications to structures and accommodations in policies, e.g., assistance animals are not considered pets and therefore our tenants who own them cannot be subject to pet fees/rents/deposits.
He, however, is asking for what amounts to preferential treatment relating to your parking policies, specifically because of his religion. That is not how Fair Housing works. That would be like me saying I don't want to pay for parking because I am a woman, and gender is a protected class.
He clearly has an opinion of how things "should be" but in order to make his opinion the law (that you would have to follow) he would need to take it through the current due process in place in this country.