Our complex has been having problems with Amazon dumping our resident packages in front of the Leasing Office. We have a big sign out front instructing them not to and we have contacted Amazon multiple times and told them of the problem. We have also requested an Amazon locker to be placed on property to which they have denied. With the Holiday season upon us, we feel this is only going to get worse. Does anyone else have this problem who would be able to offer any suggestions?
5 years 1 month ago#33143by Michelle Mulligan Crenny
PackageLog.com starts at $49/mo. It would help!
You just take a picture of the front of the box, using any device and it will match against your PMS to start texting and emailing the resident for pick up.
Thank you Craig for the suggestion however, I should have also mentioned that we have 1134 apartment units on site. To do it this way would end up being someone's full-time job.
5 years 1 month ago#33145by Michelle Mulligan Crenny
We received a quote from Parcel Pening for a locker situation with serveral options but because of the size of the community they quoted us $130,000 plus almost $900 a month for software and support! It's a massive project.
5 years 1 month ago#33147by Michelle Mulligan Crenny
We had this issue with the contract amazon drivers leaving them in front of my package lockers. ???? My assistant psycho emailed the president of amazon and finally got responses from them. Now only drivers in an amazon van come and we haven’t had packages left on the floor.
I had the same problem and contacted customer service with some of the tracking numbers and they were able to let the driver know no longer to do that.
the New York Times just wrote a really good article on different solutions for different use cases. Packages are a problem for most complexes right now. Check out the article, maybe there’s something that will Work for your specific situation.
We contacted our local distribution warehouse and now have the route manager contact information. We contact him directly when we have an issue. They are able to track the driver based on numbers on he shipping label and now we have almost 100% cooperation with them using our Luxer system correctly. Amazon also has the ability to put notes in their system for the drivers. I would suggest trying this in your area as well!
I strongly advise against Parcel Pending or locker systems of the like. It’s good in theory but logistically it causes more work than anything for management and it’s an annoyance for the residents. They expect their packages to be properly secured in the lockers, but they’re not because the drivers don’t put them in the lockers and management isn’t quick enough to pick up after the drivers so it creates an expectation issue.
Bianca Carlson i disagree. While there are some one off problems, parcel pending, Luxor lockers and package concierge have all been great to work with for my communities, and the residents have responded very positively.
We emailed our residents notifying them that with the holidays approaching to please be aware of the opportunity for more theft to occur and we would suggest having orders be sent to their place of work or a secured location to avoid risk of being stolen. I know this is not the answer for all of your package issues but it might help with the residents having them sent home vs. To a secured place.
We had this problem, and it got pretty bad. We had packages in the laundry rooms, stuffed behind shrubs, etc. I finally got fed up and loaded up about 40 packages in my car that had been left on the front porch of our leasing office and took them to the delivery hub and dropped them off, despite the man inside telling me I couldn't do it. (My retort: "JUST DID!")
They sent a customer service rep that afternoon to "re-deliver" and we haven't had a problem since.
If you can find a hub (mine was a food delivery hub, evidentially) to return them to, it only takes once for them to get the message.
Hello, We have this issue as well and we are in a secured building in the city. We have purchased a Package Concierges Locker system. You can rent them or purchase them. It is just like an Amazon locker but much better. I would get a quote for your needs. It has made a huge difference for us. We are actually able to lease and not act as a delivery service. There is also a company called Fetch. I am not sure if you have this were you are located but please look into both these ideas. One may be your solution.