Please do not purchase investment properties if you do not wish to spend the money required to keep said property running properly. Or at least if you do choose not to spend the money don't pretend like you don't understand why your property isn't performing or why you cannot keep a qualified staff. If you want to make money you must have people living in your units who's units are functioning properly. Those happy people pay their rent and are happy with the staff. The staff in turn isn't stressed out from spending their days being yelled at by unhappy residents who have maintenance issues that they cannot get fixed and are not spending all month chasing down rent. Saving money is always important. The places to save money are not in the areas of skimping on onsite staff or whatever it takes to fix maintenance issues.
Dear maintenance,
If you do not in fact want to do maintenance work which includes picking up trash, plumbing, HVAC, and any other work necessary to keep a property running smoothly please do not apply for a maintenance position. And if you do apply yet have no intentions of actually doing maintenance work but instead plan on calling contractors to do your work for you, please do not have the audacity to ask for $25 an hour.
Dear onsite staff,
I am all about personal style and am not asking you to come to work in a polyester pants suite. But please just agree to wear real pants and some kind of shoe that is not a flip flop.
Dear vendors,
We love you dearly. We truly do. Please do not hassle us for your business. We know where you are and if we are able or have the need for your services we will 100 percent reach out.
Also if we are using your services please for the love make sure when you send us your invoices you have the proper email addresses in place and are not sending them to Susie Q who quit 4 years ago and then wait until we rack up a million dollars before you reach out to see "what's up?"
Mnmkkk, thanks,
Signed every property/regional manager of all times in all the places
I’m a property owner & % agree with this. I have a property that the former owner did exactly what you said at the top, & we’re (my property manger) & I are in the process of fixing everything that need to be fixed & I couldn’t do it without her.
On a side note, if anyone in this group knows of any owners who are looking to sell please pm me.
Before you sign your lease, please take a moment to ask yourself these things: Do you understand that the rules DO APPLY to you? Will you be able to apply them to yourself, not just your neighbors?
Do you understand we are not providing you with self-cleaning housing? Living here will require some effort as well as the timely payment of rent. If you suspect you are not up to to meeting these standards, may I kindly suggest you keep searching.
4 years 9 months ago#36534by Cathy Culmer Consiglio