Well, if you are staying in the industry, the next step would be regional manager. You could also do asset manager/administration, corporate training, etc. If you are looking to stay in the industry, but not directly, you could go vendor. If you’re looking to utilize the skills that you’ve obtained in your career, but you want out of the industry, you can become a realtor. If you just want to take a break for a while but keep money coming in, go work in a call center. Not glamorous, but it pays the bills.
I went over to the supplier side. I started in sales with a software company. The company was acquired and I now am a VP overseeing the business and product for the student and military markets.
Rose Gallifrey Honestly, I work for RentPath and it has been the best career decision of my life. I love this company! There are many supplier companies with excellent reputations out there.
Got my real estate license and did commercial property management for several years, then came back to multifamily as a vendor rep, and now I'm back on site- full circle, lol!
Regional Manager, Vice President, President, Owner. Loved every minute. So many people I’ve encountered along the way. So many properties I’ve improved. It’s been a been a wonderful journey.
4 years 8 months ago#37848by Teresa Nihiser Lippert
I’m still a manager 11 years at the same property, same management company, same owners...I’m blessed, they’ve been good to me! Butttt I have my eye on a regional position or trainer or auditor one day. Problem for me is I’m in Texas and corporate is in Mississippi...moving is not an option for me. So I’m just waiting on growth in my area for a remote position. We started out with only my property in Texas now we are up to 3! ONE DAY...BIG DREAMS!!!!
4 years 8 months ago#37849by Greg N Caela Mitchell