So frustrated! I have a tenant that melted the new countertops, melted inside the FREEZER, burned a hole in the carpet, hole in a door and a wall. Didn't give a 30 day notice and just moved out! She won't get her $500 deposit back, but I have to give her the $250 pet deposit back for her cat! Frustrating to give money back to someone who will now owe me for damages!! Do you ever keep the pet deposit when they owe you for other damages??
All the deposits go toward damages and balance owed. They just pay an additional deposit for the pet due to the risk the owner takes by accepting animals, not just for "pet only" damages.
Derek Higgins plus there’s got to be cat hair in that carpet or maybe some flees. Put a white sheet of paper on the floor in each room and if there are flees, you’ll find them.
You can identify a separate “animal fee” as non-refundable.
Recently, I had a fellow that punched holes in the wall. It made me feel good to see that one attempt his hit landed on a wood stud. I’m sure he broke a few bones.
Not if you calm it a pet deposit. Deposit is refundable. Fee is not. Many states only allow deposit up to a certain amount. You cannot just add multiple music. Deposits.
I stopped collected a “pet deposit” some years ago for this very reason. You have to refund a “pet” deposit if the pet did no damage. Instead, if they have a pet and I’m collecting a deposit, I call it an additional deposit. I show the total deposit on the lease without differentiating that’s it security or pet. Now I can use ALL the deposit against damages the humans do!!
We also don’t charge a “pet deposit” we charge an extra half a months rent deposit if they have a pet but it’s not differentiated on the lease or deposit agreement. If they had a pet, I’m sure there was an accident or two or more on the carpeting, charge for that damage. Any smell?