Hi guys! I am trying to help two properties in rather economically depressed areas have open houses, the goals of which would be resident retention, community outreach, and obviously new leases. My budget is minimal, my ability to provide large amounts of manpower is slim, and the need is great. Need all of your brains to create something unique, crowd-drawing, and effective in increasing our leasing.
Thanks ahead of time for all your help!
I don't know if this sounds corny to you or not, but we pitched this idea to one of our clients based on some research.
Concept: Have staff members of the community and even some residents who love living there, stage a friendly "protest" in front of the community with picket signs and everything. The signs state cool things like "We won't move from here" "Awesome community" other lines we came up with as well. In preparation for that, you notify the local newspaper about the protest, see if you can get them to write a story on it and boom--free advertising to the local area about what an awesome place your community is.
That may be way out there, but that is how I roll. :laugh: