How do you handle complaints about someone staring? I’ve tried to explain no rules have been broken, I can’t stop someone from looking out their window when someone walks by or when somebody has visitors. At this point the complainer is more aggravating than the staring tenant! I feel like a babysitter most days at this job
It is kinda creepy but at least they aren’t aggressively barking at their neighbors as they pass their window. A lease violation for an unauthorized animal put that to a halt. LOL is there a lease violation for being creepy??? I kid, I kid. Kinda.
That’s just dumb and sad ???? maybe the person looking out the window is just looking at everything cause they are lonely or just board? Maybe the resident should stop looking at the resident in the window
4 years 2 months ago#42248by LeahandCraig Sullivan
Staring? Staring is not an infringement on their rights or an infringement on their lease. This is also a classic, "settle this amongst yourselves" speech to your residents. Seriously, next time the complainer comes in your office to complain, tell them, "Get a life"....then just stare at them.
It’s called voyeurism and is considered unwelcoming and uncomfortable behavior... Simple letter...
Lead your discussion with the offended, that at any time the resident feels unsafe they must immediately call the police...
This is something my mom has smacked, child versions of, my brother and I upside the head for complaining about. All I can hear is, “MOM SHE’S LOOKING AT ME! *SMACK*”
There is nothing I can do about staring. Call the police if you feel threatened. I am documenting (start typing as you say this) that we’ve had a FINAL discussion on this matter. Offer lease break options and relet fee costs at this point.