Just had a resident yell at us for sending “threatening text messages” (asking them to pick up their packages before we return them to sender) and said that “we work for her not the other way around.”
This is after having a conversation with a different resident who was complaining about why we “have” to turn this into a luxury high-rise and that they want everything to stay the same.
And after dealing with a resident who paid a partial payment on LAST month’s rent after being told we would not accept it.
I’m done with residents for the day. Locking myself in my office to post rent payments. ????
How is your Monday going?
We have in our lease this is a connivence service not part of the premises and subject to limiting, suspending or eliminating service to anyone or entire community for no reason. Should medicine or other items be required to be refrigerated and not, left over weekend or items required to be delivered in certain time frame and failed to do so, the person who signed is responsible not necessarily the owner. Went though law suit over that issue along with we learned NEVER accept mail for resident while away etc. another lawsuit. Federal mail. These are smoke screens to get out of the lease by highly Intelligent residents
A resident once told me that it was harassment to send them texts/emails reminding them of their past due balance. My response? Pay me or communicate with me and I won’t have to! ????
We had a resident flip
out because her package, which was delivered several days previously was missing from the package room. She even convinced the guard to let her look at video. When she saw someone walk away with a package she was sure was hers, she wanted the resident’s name to confront them.
Mgr gets involved and finds out the package was delivered to the front door of her building (incorrectly) where there are no cameras. Resident is told we can’t help her.
When she starts banging on the office door and won’t leave, police are called. She argues with them as well
She told guard there were wigs in package worth $2500 she tells manager $3500 and police 4K!
She also mentions she needed them for the hair styling she is doing in her apartment. Now she will
be non-renewed for her behavior and for running a business in her apartment????
We got a resident complaint today that said. Since our office is on LBJ freeway (Dallas) that we were all Racist and he knew better than to deal with us.
That's terrible to be treated that way. But in our business we just have to suck it up and let it go. When that happens to me I tell myself they are going through something and just taking it out on me. Makes it a little easier to move on. But believe me I would want to say "sorry mam I actually do not work for you, I work for the owners of the property. But even that would be misconstrued.
1. "Threatening Text Message" would be one involved with potential physical harm or compromise of personal safety. I would assume the text message was based more on frustration than anything else. Perhaps, this might give you some insight into resident frustration or lack of diligent communication on your part.
2. Policies concerning service should always be clearly communicated to residents. Any type of change - including going from a standard to a "luxury" community is going to meet with push back. Why? Because most existing chose your community based on their comfort level at the time. To expect them to bring their game up a notch because of a change in management directive is tricky at best and unrealistic at worst. You must be patient and accommodating.
3. If I were judging this matter and read that you decided to lock yourself in your office in order to avoid continuing conflict - I would not be impressed. My suggestion would be to meet each and every resident individually and take the time to hear their objections (which might lead to even better ideas)!
Hope this helps. Sorry if I overstepped my bounds in understanding your situation.
I'm new to the residential rental business, so I may be a little green. (Previously in the hotel industry.) I am curious why you would be using texts to communicate with residents. If things progressed to a legal matter, copies of e-mails are more accessible. I believe to go through the phone carrier to get printed copies of texts is quite difficult. Maybe change your policy going forward that the cell number is for emergencies, like no heat or water, and all other communication needs to be via e-mail or a personal phone call to the office number during office hours. Everything needs to be documented by management, especially threats if things escalate. There are people who will take advantage of the 'no eviction' laws currently in place, but once you can do this, you will have the necessary documentation to prove your case. We have in our lease that the residents can be evicted for harassing employees and/or causing excessive disturbances. Hopefully you do also.
We had a resident who suddenly stopped paying (he was an "essential" worker). When I finally tracked him down at the end of June he apologized and said he sent the payment thru google pay (which is another story). He then said "I'll pay everything up next week with cash since I'm out of town for work". Okay, no problem. I can be pretty gullible so I went along with it. The day and time we agreed to meet I showed up 15 minutes early and waited while doing work from my phone. I see him in my rear view mirror come around the corner in his work truck, stop when he sees my pick up truck, suddenly veered back out onto the main road and took off. Huh? Well, turned out the governor decided to extend the moratorium for our state THAT day so HE thought he didn't have to pay and I now had to wait another 2 months for that to expire. Took him to court at the beginning of September but tenant never showed. Never called...no text...no email and no response to any of my attempts to reach him. I even stopped by when I saw his work truck parked on the street. I went thru all the legal steps and followed protocol set up by the CDC for evictions. Met the constable at the property and as we were coming in the back door he ran out the front door, jumped in his work vehicle that was parked out front and vamoosed! I changed the locks while the constable posted the property. The tenant never contacted me about his stuff he there so ten days later I had to move it all out. I then sold the building...done.