Anyone have some good golf cart stories?

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3 years 11 months ago #42975 by Heather Hoeft
3 years 11 months ago #42975 by Heather Hoeft
Grace Law
3 years 11 months ago #42976 by Grace Law
Replied by Grace Law on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
One of my Propeties is at the top of a high hill. Leasing consultant was driving a golf cart (no one else in
it) and as she took a corner, wind caught the cart at just the correct moment and tipped it over. Her foot ended up caught under it. She was out several weeks with a foot injury.
3 years 11 months ago #42976 by Grace Law
Kathy Brown
3 years 11 months ago #42977 by Kathy Brown
Replied by Kathy Brown on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I had three body builder type guys on the golf cart and one of them jumped off the back fell on the ground and made me think my driving made him fall out. Scared me. They laughed and leased a three bedroom.
3 years 11 months ago #42977 by Kathy Brown
Grace Law
3 years 11 months ago #42978 by Grace Law
Replied by Grace Law on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My other story is a manager at a different location was driving a golf cart and when she parked it, she didn’t secure it. It rolled into her personal car and damaged it. She wanted the company to pay to fix her car.
3 years 11 months ago #42978 by Grace Law
Janelle Louise
3 years 11 months ago #42979 by Janelle Louise
Replied by Janelle Louise on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Popped a prospect off the back of mine once. Went over a speed bump up a hill, she was too busy taking selfies to hang on I guess ???? her friend laughed at her and I had to try so hard not to. She was ok!
3 years 11 months ago #42979 by Janelle Louise
Leah Love Orsbon
3 years 11 months ago #42980 by Leah Love Orsbon
Replied by Leah Love Orsbon on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Flipped one during turn with 3 staff members in it. All safe with some scrapes.
3 years 11 months ago #42980 by Leah Love Orsbon
Linda Hayes Page
3 years 11 months ago #42981 by Linda Hayes Page
Replied by Linda Hayes Page on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had one stolen from a property and crashed into a ravine. Terrible time getting it out. Totally smashed.
3 years 11 months ago #42981 by Linda Hayes Page
Heather Hoeft
3 years 11 months ago #42982 by Heather Hoeft
Replied by Heather Hoeft on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I came REALLY close once with three prospects. Weight was not “evenly distributed”... took a turn and had it on two wheels... all of a sudden we’re screaming in unison “LEAN LEFT, LEAN LEFT”!! I felt so bad and the whole time I’m thinking... how in the world do I go back to the office and explain why/how I tipped a cart
3 years 11 months ago #42982 by Heather Hoeft
3 years 11 months ago #42983 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Back in the day...25 years ago we turned this property around from drugs dealers to police and fire as residents. The police cars were prolific during the day as they would stop by for lunch, restrooms etc.
One day I look out and see 2 golf carts fly by at excessive speeds. I grab my keys and radio thinking fire... I got outside to find the streets blocked off by police cruisers, maintenance taking turns racing the golf carts with winners racing next contestant and the police monitoring best speed with the radar gun.
3 years 11 months ago #42983 by Anonymous
Kelli Constantine
3 years 11 months ago #42984 by Kelli Constantine
Replied by Kelli Constantine on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Driving the golf car with prospect next to me and has her kid in the middle between us, as I am coming to a stop to park, kid decided to stomp his foot down on gas petal and we hit a car in front of us (parked). Minimal damages thankfully but safe to say they didn’t lease or return my follow up calls
3 years 11 months ago #42984 by Kelli Constantine
Peggy Lannery Crowley
3 years 11 months ago #42985 by Peggy Lannery Crowley
Replied by Peggy Lannery Crowley on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I’ve had several take them for joyrides while we were showing units. One time a tech left the keys in and some kids drove it into a ditch.
3 years 11 months ago #42985 by Peggy Lannery Crowley
Anthony T Petrone
3 years 11 months ago #42986 by Anthony T Petrone
Replied by Anthony T Petrone on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
We had a housekeeper leave the key in after several warnings not to and a kid took it for a joy ride. The kid hit several parked cars and then flew out after hitting a tree. Parents started yelling at me when I politely informed her that we could call the police as her kid stole the golf cart, grey area for sure as the key was left in but she backed down. Housekeeper was fired next day!
3 years 11 months ago #42986 by Anthony T Petrone
Karen Townsend Hicks
3 years 11 months ago #42987 by Karen Townsend Hicks
Replied by Karen Townsend Hicks on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I was 27 and pregnant with my second daughter that was born on January 12, 1990. We went to judge the Christmas decorating contest on the golf cart. I was on the back seat and as we went over the speed bump I fell off and rolled like a weevil.
3 years 11 months ago #42987 by Karen Townsend Hicks
Chris Finetto
3 years 11 months ago #42988 by Chris Finetto
Replied by Chris Finetto on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
1AM sitting in a bar in Tucson, near ASU. In town to check up on a massive apartment renovation. Three guys walk in, 2 are soaking wet. But all 3 are drunk and hysterical laughing.
I overhear there story. “Those bastards waking us up with jack hammers and roofers at 7AM...”. One say to other “I can’t believe those idiots left the keys in the golf cart...” The one of three howls “... I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU DROVE THE GOLF CART IN TO PHUKING POOL...”
I spit my beer out and asked “So where do y’all live...” Yeah, that’s right - it was my property... I bought them a round of drinks, told them I was one of the owners and then I left.
3 years 11 months ago #42988 by Chris Finetto
Micaela MP
3 years 11 months ago #42989 by Micaela MP
Replied by Micaela MP on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I backed up into some bushes one time
3 years 11 months ago #42989 by Micaela MP
Tyler Clatterbuck
3 years 11 months ago #42990 by Tyler Clatterbuck
Replied by Tyler Clatterbuck on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I was once driving across property to deliver notices and it was so cold. As I was rounding a corner, the golf cart went one way and I went the other. Cold weather and slacks do not mix well. Slid right off the seat, landed on my feet and began chasing after the runaway golf cart! Fortunately, nobody saw! Haha
3 years 11 months ago #42990 by Tyler Clatterbuck
Laura Snyder
3 years 11 months ago #42991 by Laura Snyder
Replied by Laura Snyder on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
We had a agent have a accident in one yesterday. This is the statement the eye witness sent.
3 years 11 months ago #42991 by Laura Snyder
Debra Williams Heines
3 years 11 months ago #42992 by Debra Williams Heines
Replied by Debra Williams Heines on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Told maintenance team to never never leave their gauges, tools , or work orders and keys on the golf cart !!! Three days later one of them did all of this and I saw the golf cart parked in front of a bldg while walking property. I proceeded to take every single thing off of the cart and store it in a vacant unit!! Took the one at fault 3 days to tell me about it, needless to say it NEVER happened again
3 years 11 months ago #42992 by Debra Williams Heines
Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
3 years 11 months ago #42993 by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
Replied by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Fell off of a golf cart and broke my right elbow during turn.
3 years 11 months ago #42993 by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
Sunday Hodge
3 years 11 months ago #42994 by Sunday Hodge
Replied by Sunday Hodge on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
During a tour as I was driving I was pointing out to my prospects the nicely finished garden and I guess I paid to much attention because before I knew we were in the ditch of the other part of the garden ????????????????.. they still leased at the place I worked at the time lol
3 years 11 months ago #42994 by Sunday Hodge
Lindita Favreau
3 years 11 months ago #42995 by Lindita Favreau
Replied by Lindita Favreau on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had a prospect tell me I didn't park it right so when I got out he hit the acceleration pad and hit a residents motorcycle. He didn't even help pick the motorcycle back up. The joke was on him cause I had all his info and gave to the resident. Another time, another property the maintenance super did not believe that the battery wasn't holding a charge the cart died with prospects in it and we had to trek it back in the snow, same property 2nd golf cart breaks didn't, work again the super didn't believe me LUCKILY no one got hurt but if the wheel didn't come off we would not have stopped and crashed! I have never had so many golf cart issues than when I worked for that company! I was thrown off twice, (once in my first trimester), off the dang cart because maintenance liked going faster than they should.
3 years 11 months ago #42995 by Lindita Favreau
Diana Walker
3 years 11 months ago #42996 by Diana Walker
Replied by Diana Walker on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Rainy Saturday, prospect sitting beside me in front, locator (agent) in back. Had to “punch it” going up a hill. Locator went flying!!! Hit her bum on the foot part, then landed smack on her bum on the street! Thankfully she was not injured, but a favorite vendor (carpet cleaning) was there and saw the whole thing!!!
3 years 11 months ago #42996 by Diana Walker
Carrie Williamson
3 years 11 months ago #42997 by Carrie Williamson
Replied by Carrie Williamson on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
We received a rental verification from an applicant's current property that said "no" they would not re-rent to them. They were on a No Cause for stealing the maintenance golf cart while intoxicated and wrecking it. He also owed money for the ordeal. ????
3 years 11 months ago #42997 by Carrie Williamson
Connie Christopher Clay
3 years 11 months ago #42998 by Connie Christopher Clay
Replied by Connie Christopher Clay on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Years ago, when I was still young and thin, I had two VERY large ladies on the cart. We viewed and apartment and headed back to the office. On the way the cart wouldn't go up a slight incline. I told the ladies the battery died. In reality it was their weight! We had to walk back to the office (there were inclines going the other way back as well). They were huffing and puffing by the time we got there. When they left I retrieved the golf cart and toodled on back to work
3 years 11 months ago #42998 by Connie Christopher Clay
Tim Huizenga
3 years 11 months ago #42999 by Tim Huizenga
Replied by Tim Huizenga on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
As a middle schooler I took one and purposely rammed it into a school van because I didn’t like that my gym teacher made us run distances outside while following us around on a golf cart yelling at us to go faster. Does that count?
3 years 11 months ago #42999 by Tim Huizenga
Cassie Milks
3 years 11 months ago #43000 by Cassie Milks
Replied by Cassie Milks on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
One time I was riding along with some prospects and I was pointing out some nice things on the property and accidentally jumped a speed bump full speed????????
Luckily everyone was young and holding on????????
My porter witnessed it and was practically rolling on the ground laughing
3 years 11 months ago #43000 by Cassie Milks
Lisa Sanchez
3 years 11 months ago #43001 by Lisa Sanchez
Replied by Lisa Sanchez on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
The 1st time I drove one, I ended up driving up n over the curb onto the grass with the propect on it. Luckily she really like off-roading!
3 years 11 months ago #43001 by Lisa Sanchez
Julie Curtis
3 years 11 months ago #43002 by Julie Curtis
Replied by Julie Curtis on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
1st leasing job a couple months in...The brakes on our leasing cart were going out, sometimes to get the brakes to kick in you’d have to stomp really hard (so also sometimes the parking break would engage.) I was working by myself on a Saturday touring a prospect and it had started raining while we were in the model. On the way back it really starts pouring so we were going pretty quick back to the office. For some reason that day the gates also decided to malfunction and as we started getting closer they weren’t opening. I pushed the brakes... NOTHING. I pump the breaks frantically... NOTHING. So I jam the breaks... parking break kicks in, the golf cart just slides across the parking lot, nails the gate (which is just now showing signs of life) and the prospect flies off of the seat face first into the plexiglass windshield and ends up in a pile on the floor. Cue the “OMG are you ok?” She says yes, she’s fine but seems really annoyed. Prior to this I have to say the tour was going really well, so as we pull up to the office I ask her if she’d like to complete the application and leave a deposit for her new home. My silly young self was actually surprised she said no and ghosted me
3 years 11 months ago #43002 by Julie Curtis
Josué Adam
3 years 11 months ago #43003 by Josué Adam
Replied by Josué Adam on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
One started to smoke / catch fire on me while driving property. I abandoned ship and started running. When I worked at a church a few years before that I had one fully engulf in flames so the PTSD kicked in
3 years 11 months ago #43003 by Josué Adam
Michelle Ross
3 years 11 months ago #43004 by Michelle Ross
Replied by Michelle Ross on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I took one out one time to do donuts in the snow and ice on the basket ball courts (which seldom happens in our part of Texas)
3 years 11 months ago #43004 by Michelle Ross
Brenda Andrews Sherrill
3 years 11 months ago #43005 by Brenda Andrews Sherrill
Replied by Brenda Andrews Sherrill on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Well, last month my son(who had DL for 1 week) had my husband’s Jeep. His 4 friends were in an 11k golf cart and they were horse playing around like bumper cars. The Jeep is lifted and caught the back rail of golf cart. The boys in back of golf cart told my son to stop while the girls driving sped up. The golf cart dislodged on side causing it to spin to the left and flip. Yep, flipped all the the way over. 4.5k in damage to golf cart, a broke hand for 1 boy and a $250 a month increase to my insurance. Luckily, that was all.
3 years 11 months ago #43005 by Brenda Andrews Sherrill
Melissa de Jesús
3 years 11 months ago #43006 by Melissa de Jesús
Replied by Melissa de Jesús on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I had a bunch of teenagers hotwire ours, Joy ride around the property mooning residents and ditched it in the pond at the 11th hole (I manage a property on a golf course).
It was...great.
3 years 11 months ago #43006 by Melissa de Jesús
Chance A Blake
3 years 11 months ago #43007 by Chance A Blake
Replied by Chance A Blake on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I was on a tour at a property we were converting from sec 8 to B+ had this resident who was bent down eating grass like a cow...and yelling at the prospects and myself as we were riding by on the cart. Then it sounded like hail was hitting the was him throwing rocks at us and he began screaming lol....
Another- asset visit 5 of us on the cart battery dies on back of a large property and we are all walking dressed to the 9s in 90+ degree weather lol not a great day
3 years 11 months ago #43007 by Chance A Blake
Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
3 years 11 months ago #43008 by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
Replied by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Also during turn we would move furniture using the golf carts and we were going too fast and had to slam on the brakes and the mattresses we were holding on top flew off the front of the golf cart bounced back and broke the windshield!
We dropped lots of furniture off the golf carts
3 years 11 months ago #43008 by Brittnie Lawhon Gardner
Donna Schatz Pinney
3 years 11 months ago #43009 by Donna Schatz Pinney
Replied by Donna Schatz Pinney on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Property that I managed once had a golf cart with a roof that had a dip in the middle. Usually it was parked in the garage on rainy days but sometimes it would start to ???? mid day so water would collect in the dip in the roof. Usually in that case we would walk prospects to show the vacant unit. If they were particularly irritating we may, or may not, have taken the golf cart and I may, or may not, have realized that stopping the cart quickly would cause the pooled water to be flung off the back of the roof onto the laps of the prospects that were sitting on the back seat that faced backwards
3 years 11 months ago #43009 by Donna Schatz Pinney
Genienne Hernandez
3 years 11 months ago #43010 by Genienne Hernandez
Replied by Genienne Hernandez on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
So many.....1. Kids stole one, cut the roof off and painted it pink, 2. Drunk manager fell off during pool party and broke her wrist, 3. Leasing agent drive one through a garage wall into an apartment, 4. Every time the cart ran out of juice mid-tour our leasing agent always got the pity-lease! Can’t ???????? make ???????? this ???????? stuff ???????? up ????????
3 years 11 months ago #43010 by Genienne Hernandez
Laura Reardon
3 years 11 months ago #43011 by Laura Reardon
Replied by Laura Reardon on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
my son was on my lap while i was driving the cart. he hit the gas pedal and drove us into the clubhouse damaging the clubhouse and destroying the cart
3 years 11 months ago #43011 by Laura Reardon
Heather Hawpe
3 years 11 months ago #43012 by Heather Hawpe
Replied by Heather Hawpe on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
So I had a prospect on the golf cart with me. The day prior I had JUST got a new phone, it was between my legs while we were driving (as usual), we hit a pot hole and my phone bounced out of my lap and into a puddle and with NO thought whatsoever I went with the phone trying to catch it before it landed in the puddle, so I dive off the golf cart while it's still going and she's still on it, thankfully it hit a curb and stopped like right after I jumped off, I caught my phone and landed in the puddle. ???? I felt so bad, she laughed, I was like "I'm so sorry I just got this yesterday and couldn't watch my money go literally down the drain." ???? She still leased
3 years 11 months ago #43012 by Heather Hawpe
Dale Parrish Gentle
3 years 11 months ago #43013 by Dale Parrish Gentle
Replied by Dale Parrish Gentle on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Back in the 80's had a leasing agent showing property on a hilly area of Dunwoody (Atlanta) and the brakes failed. As she was going downhill toward a super busy street she yelled "bail out" and they all jumped into the pine trees/straw. The golf cart went all the way across on of the most heavily trafficked streets in the area and landed in the medium without hitting a single car.
3 years 11 months ago #43013 by Dale Parrish Gentle
Emily Foster
3 years 11 months ago #43014 by Emily Foster
Replied by Emily Foster on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
One of my favorites - one of the maintenance guys was driving and was going far too quickly, causing some extra wind inside the sitting area. My leasing agent lost her wig - just blew right off. We still laugh about that!
3 years 11 months ago #43014 by Emily Foster
Amanda Lynn
3 years 11 months ago #43015 by Amanda Lynn
Replied by Amanda Lynn on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I hit the gas once instead of the brakes going over a speed bump.... lmao,,, my prospects laughed about thank goodness...
Also one of the maintenance crashed the golf cart into the maintenance shop and we found him passed out in a chair and noticed he had his backpack filled with a big old handle of whisky.... we had to call 911, he was unresponsive. Never seen or heard from him again!
3 years 11 months ago #43015 by Amanda Lynn
Danielle Earickson
3 years 11 months ago #43016 by Danielle Earickson
Replied by Danielle Earickson on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
At a rough property I would take the gator out to relieve stress. One winter went 4 wheeling in it, got it stuck on a parking block. Was out in my high heel boots trying to push it off.
3 years 11 months ago #43016 by Danielle Earickson
Kacie Loar
3 years 11 months ago #43017 by Kacie Loar
Replied by Kacie Loar on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Oh yes, yes I do! Ran someone off my property who was attempting to break into one of my vacants. Chased them on my gas powered golf cart approximately 3 blocks.
3 years 11 months ago #43017 by Kacie Loar
Robin Cubbage
3 years 11 months ago #43018 by Robin Cubbage
Replied by Robin Cubbage on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I was with an older lady at a new property with a golf cart that was much faster and we hit a pot hole. She looked at me and said “Honey please slow down I’m not in that big a hurry “. I’ll never forget:
3 years 11 months ago #43018 by Robin Cubbage
Larry Berry
3 years 11 months ago #43019 by Larry Berry
Replied by Larry Berry on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
This is what I saw on day one driving into a new property I was managing. I mentioned the safety concern (what a nice to meet you moment) and as I did the radio comes alive. Seems the cart was blocking the entrance because it had tipped over. Yes, training was in line but not until first aid was provided.

3 years 11 months ago #43019 by Larry Berry
Samantha L Hyde
3 years 11 months ago #43020 by Samantha L Hyde
Replied by Samantha L Hyde on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My leasing consultant was touring a really handsome prospect and so went to back up and the golf cart jerked pretty hard and she said oh sorry this thing jerks off all the time! She was literally so embarrassed
3 years 11 months ago #43020 by Samantha L Hyde
Michelle Rettig
3 years 11 months ago #43021 by Michelle Rettig
Replied by Michelle Rettig on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I died laughing when I saw this
3 years 11 months ago #43021 by Michelle Rettig
Laurie Ann
3 years 11 months ago #43022 by Laurie Ann
Replied by Laurie Ann on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Fun in Ohio
3 years 11 months ago #43022 by Laurie Ann
Christy Moore Silva
3 years 11 months ago #43023 by Christy Moore Silva
Replied by Christy Moore Silva on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
First off, this is the best thread ever! ???? Second, my story is from years back. I had just issued a second 7 day to a young girl (1st apt, loud partying, cops out almost every night) and her mom had called the office earlier in the day irate and screaming. I was out on property later in the day with my leasing manager on the golf cart and was heading back into the office lot, and I see the mom coming from the front steps and she's running at me screaming. I just kept going past the office and punched the gas, but we were on the ancient cart that was on its last leg and it probably didn't go more than 10 mph tops, so it's put-put- putting and we're half screaming, half laughing while she's chasing us screaming "do you know who I am? I'm going to sick the Bandidos (biker gang) on you! " Ultimately, we escaped, but it was the most hilarious low-speed chase ever!
3 years 11 months ago #43023 by Christy Moore Silva
Lisa Ward
3 years 11 months ago #43024 by Lisa Ward
Replied by Lisa Ward on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had a maintenance man drive over his own foot and break it once!!
3 years 11 months ago #43024 by Lisa Ward
Nicole Bowman
3 years 11 months ago #43025 by Nicole Bowman
Replied by Nicole Bowman on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Never forget when I was on site as an assistant manager my new managers first day I took him for a tour of the property. I drove the golf cart and about half way through a yellow jacket ???? decided to fly in (mind you I’m terrified of bees) I tried keeping my cool but ending up jumping off (heels and all) the golf cart continued making its way down hill without a driver lol luckily he was able to stop it and no injuries lol I’ll never forget it
3 years 11 months ago #43025 by Nicole Bowman
Jonathan Leake
3 years 11 months ago #43026 by Jonathan Leake
Replied by Jonathan Leake on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
With a prospect. Brakes failed and I ran head on into the entrance gate. They leased.
3 years 11 months ago #43026 by Jonathan Leake
Tammee Hindman
3 years 11 months ago #43027 by Tammee Hindman
Replied by Tammee Hindman on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My maint guys, 2 of them, roped a pallet to the back of one and tried to shovel an iui w with it. Worked pretty good for a minute
3 years 11 months ago #43027 by Tammee Hindman
Kimberly Starnes Smith
3 years 11 months ago #43028 by Kimberly Starnes Smith
Replied by Kimberly Starnes Smith on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had a golf cart going dead as we were doing a property tour with the owner. Going up the hill it started to die and he got off and pushed it up the hill.
3 years 11 months ago #43028 by Kimberly Starnes Smith
Kelly Kuehle Domres
3 years 11 months ago #43029 by Kelly Kuehle Domres
Replied by Kelly Kuehle Domres on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
So I was doing a new lease up in the middle of no where with fields all around us. I had an incredible team, had not one but two pregnant ladies as part of that team. So one day we get this call from a resident that tells us that they hear someone calling out from the field right behind one of our buildings. So of course I grab my assistant and we hop on the 3 row golf cart we have. It was the kind that had the zipper rain flaps. Yes this was an eternity ago. So we’re driving kinda quick to the back of the property and I took a speed bump a lil too quick almost throwing my pregnant assistant out of it. Had it not been for those rain flaps. WHEW! Thank God, I didn’t. The funny part is we had called the police, they were on their way. So we get back there and hear a moaning type of noise. It was not a normal moaning. Anyway after police went into the field they came back to tell us a cow was giving birth in the field and that was the moaning. It was much more comical to experience than it reads.
3 years 11 months ago #43029 by Kelly Kuehle Domres
Kiely Barrett
3 years 11 months ago #43030 by Kiely Barrett
Replied by Kiely Barrett on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I was driving ours across the property to check out a floorplan I wanted to transfer to and came across a section of the sidewalk that went between two pillars and was too narrow for me to get through. After almost getting stuck, I decided to jump the concrete curb/landscaping border to go around but ended up high centering it and getting stuck there instead. I had to walk all the way back to the maintenance shop to beg the guys to help me. Good times
3 years 11 months ago #43030 by Kiely Barrett
Janet Sprissler
3 years 11 months ago #43031 by Janet Sprissler
Replied by Janet Sprissler on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My assistant was constantly asked to clean his office. He would always stack files so when someone was moving in you would look nuts trying to find it in his office. So one day I just had it. I went in removed everything from his office and we parked the golf cart in and shut the doors. (Office had French doors). It took a team of five to move it around so it would fit perfectly. We never laughed so hard when he came back from lunch. Also his desk was cleaned from that point on.
3 years 11 months ago #43031 by Janet Sprissler
Alecia Stein Fuller
3 years 11 months ago #43032 by Alecia Stein Fuller
Replied by Alecia Stein Fuller on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had a couple come in to tour. They were EACH over 300 lbs easily. When we walked out to get on the golf cart it occurred to me this may not go so well so I offered to walk to the unit we were going to tour. It was a HOT day so they were not interested at all. We go to get on the cart and what do they do? One gets in the passenger front and the other gets on on the SAME side in the back. Both tires on the passenger side burst instantly. It was mortifying. I tried to play it off like they were really worn out old tires and needed replaced anyhow, it was bound to happen. To add insult to injury, when walking down stairs to the unit we were going to see (we had sub level units that were five stairs down) I tripped on the top stair and fell down all five stairs and skinned my knees and was bleeding. Definitely up there for one of my worst tours ever. And they didn’t lease
3 years 11 months ago #43032 by Alecia Stein Fuller
Jennifer Kelley
3 years 11 months ago #43033 by Jennifer Kelley
Replied by Jennifer Kelley on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I had an assistant hop on the cart in front of our office and slam on the gas to release the brake. She forgot to put it in reverse and jumped the curb going airborne over the sidewalk and landing in the flowerbed. My leasing agent starts whaling and screams to come here. Before we could make it out the door, we see her look in all directions, put the cart in reverse and back it off the curb as if nothing had happened.
3 years 11 months ago #43033 by Jennifer Kelley
Kimberly Samra
3 years 11 months ago #43034 by Kimberly Samra
Replied by Kimberly Samra on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I took a really nice man out on a tour ... he seemed overdressed and didn’t seem to fit in at the property. Needless to say I scared the heck out of him driving this gollf cart... turns out he was the owner’s attorney who was secret shopping the property. Oops!
3 years 11 months ago #43034 by Kimberly Samra
Kimberly Parker-Daniel
3 years 11 months ago #43035 by Kimberly Parker-Daniel
Replied by Kimberly Parker-Daniel on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Back in the day my maintenance guys and I pranked a lot. I rolled his car. So next day I forgot to put the golf cart up. Following morning found gc upside down in the field across the street. I had to hurry up and tip it back over and make sure nothing was wrong w it before the manager came in. ????‍♀️ he claimed someone stole it and wrecked it
3 years 11 months ago #43035 by Kimberly Parker-Daniel
Amanda Lynn Gunn
3 years 11 months ago #43036 by Amanda Lynn Gunn
Replied by Amanda Lynn Gunn on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Four memorable moments...I took a right turn too fast and the door swung open causing me to about lose the prospect. Then, I was busy showing the prospect something to the right that I umm... almost hit a child that ran out in the street. ????
Then, I decided to shortcut through a swale and got stuck... had to be pulled out. Last event, I backed the cart (with brand new doors) out of the garage without seeing how close I was and took out the door.
I don't drive golf carts anymore...I really shouldn't be allowed to drive cars either.
3 years 11 months ago #43036 by Amanda Lynn Gunn
Charity Henkelman
3 years 11 months ago #43037 by Charity Henkelman
Replied by Charity Henkelman on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My maintenance sup in Ohio accidentally put ours in reverse and drove himself and his tech into our pond!
3 years 11 months ago #43037 by Charity Henkelman
Ryan Gaytan
3 years 11 months ago #43038 by Ryan Gaytan
Replied by Ryan Gaytan on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Ok so long story short: we had our mailboxes broken into which lead to us finding out that someone on property was operating an identity theft operation. A guy tried moving in quickly and when he went to pick up keys he didn’t have an ID so we didn’t let him move in. We were suspicious so we kept an eye on him. The same car he drove onto property to pick up keys was the same car I saw drive thru property a day later. I hauled ass to go follow it and the guys got suspicious and fled and there I am in my golf cart poppin over curbs and hopping curb to have my brother who lives on property with me tackle this guy.
3 years 11 months ago #43038 by Ryan Gaytan
Mary-Kate Moran
3 years 11 months ago #43039 by Mary-Kate Moran
Replied by Mary-Kate Moran on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
When I first started as a leasing agent, I had a golf cart that had rear-facing back seat for additional prospects, etc. I was touring 2 women who just wanted to sit in the back of the cart. They were each pretty big so I was nervous. Well, I guess they weren’t paying attention/listening when we took off because they flew off the back ???????? they were super nice though and ended up leasing. Way better than getting sued lol another time, leasing and maintenance had two separate carts and maintenance had a habit of stealing the leasing carts. One day I got fed up after they took it, and hid it making them think it was stolen lol
3 years 11 months ago #43039 by Mary-Kate Moran
Misti McElwee
3 years 11 months ago #43040 by Misti McElwee
Replied by Misti McElwee on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
My 2.5 year old ran me over and drug me about 50 ft. I was a wreck and had tire marks and road rash on both sides of my body
3 years 11 months ago #43040 by Misti McElwee
Kat Davis
3 years 11 months ago #43041 by Kat Davis
Replied by Kat Davis on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Day two of my new leasing gig I clipped a retaining wall and gashed my first tire. I then became very protective of my ride. A few months later my 4 coworkers and I were all working away and out of the corner of my eye I see through the window some of the minor neighborhood deviants walking up. They were about to jump on the golf cart when I quietly walked over to the door, opened it, and in my best, loudest, and most authoritative voice told them to get the heck off. They all ran in different directions. What I wasnt expecting was how I scared the living crap out of my coworkers with how loud I was and they and jumped out of thier skin.
But sometime later they succeeded in steeling my ride and ran it into a ditch somewhere off property. Broke the axel, smashed in the front end and messed her up real good. It had to be towed and rebuilt.
3 years 11 months ago #43041 by Kat Davis
Kat Davis
3 years 11 months ago #43042 by Kat Davis
Replied by Kat Davis on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Caught my boss on the back of our property, early one morning, driving real slow, cheating on Pokemon Go.
3 years 11 months ago #43042 by Kat Davis
Elizabeth Lira
3 years 11 months ago #43043 by Elizabeth Lira
Replied by Elizabeth Lira on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Well driving a golf cart, a Resident backed into me as I was on tour with a prospect. Screwed up my lower back, because I slammed on the brakes!!
3 years 11 months ago #43043 by Elizabeth Lira
Darla Hubbard Brown
3 years 11 months ago #43044 by Darla Hubbard Brown
Replied by Darla Hubbard Brown on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Yep sure do!
Black ice on parking lot + driving golf cart too fast around curve
= Wearing Golf Cart !
Isn’t that right
3 years 11 months ago #43044 by Darla Hubbard Brown
Tamica Ortega
3 years 11 months ago #43045 by Tamica Ortega
Replied by Tamica Ortega on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Left it in the middle of the road because i was rounding a corner and a huge spider dropped down in front of me on its web.???? I hopped out and went back to the office on foot. ????????‍♀️???? I do not do spiders????
3 years 11 months ago #43045 by Tamica Ortega
Pattie Woods
3 years 11 months ago #43046 by Pattie Woods
Replied by Pattie Woods on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Had a new leasing associate. First time driving a cart. Put it in reverse,
Beep scared her. Floored it and backed over curb and in to lake!!! Luckily she jumped off. #1 rule. Give lessons on driving golf carts!!!
3 years 11 months ago #43046 by Pattie Woods
Angel Rogers
3 years 11 months ago #43047 by Angel Rogers
Replied by Angel Rogers on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Oh man!!! I was at a new property and got a frantic call on the radio that there was an accident involving a tech and the golf cart. I rushed out and saw his leg under the cart and he was laying on the other side. His leg looked like it had been severed!!!!! I was so scared and almostt got sick.. Well, no one told me that he had a prosthetic leg....the staff totally pranked me!!! Once I recovered I laughed but I'm still kinda mad at them 20 years later, lol!
3 years 11 months ago #43047 by Angel Rogers
Barbara Andersen
3 years 11 months ago #43048 by Barbara Andersen
Replied by Barbara Andersen on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Lost a propect from back seat when we 5went over spreed bump lol
3 years 11 months ago #43048 by Barbara Andersen
Heather Church Stricklin
3 years 11 months ago #43049 by Heather Church Stricklin
Replied by Heather Church Stricklin on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Attempted GTA by someone clearly DUI!

3 years 11 months ago #43049 by Heather Church Stricklin
William Chaney
3 years 11 months ago #43050 by William Chaney
Replied by William Chaney on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
I had prospects and I hit a ice patch and slide down a hill with them and lucky I did not kill them and they did rent. LOL
3 years 11 months ago #43050 by William Chaney
Karen Kossow
3 years 11 months ago #43051 by Karen Kossow
Replied by Karen Kossow on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Many....many... moons ago. I was the leasing manager at a large, old garden community. Our golf cart had just come back from being fixed (we'd had lots of issues with it). We hadn't had the chance to take it for a drive to see if it was working when our Marketing Director and the SVP of Marketing for the company showed up for a tour and wanted to take the golf cart. I shared that we had just gotten it back and hadn't tested it yet but they still wanted to take it. Halfway up a big hill.... it died. The SVP in his very expensive clothes got out and pushed the car with myself and the Marketing Director in it (I was steering) up the hill.
3 years 11 months ago #43051 by Karen Kossow
Tammie Birdwell
3 years 11 months ago #43052 by Tammie Birdwell
Replied by Tammie Birdwell on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
When I worked on-site, there was one time I was showing a prospect right after a rain. My porter had dried off the seats but when I turned left, about 1 1/2 gallons of rain water splashed out of the right side of the canopy! Fortunately, the prospect was sitting far enough from the edge that they didn't get too wet.
3 years 11 months ago #43052 by Tammie Birdwell
Shanon Jones
3 years 11 months ago #43053 by Shanon Jones
Replied by Shanon Jones on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Carmen M. Franchino Professional Football player...linebacker...gets in passenger side and the whole cart tips on one side. He starts laughing causing the whole cart to shake! I say ummm I think you are going to have to walk dude! Leasing agent and I taking a tour of the property and the battery starts to die. We don't want to push it so we keep hitting the gas and it starts stops jerking uphill. We are laughing so hard the whole time! April fools week sent a text with an image of a golf cart in a pond that looked like ours to maintenance. 2 seconds after the text I get a call from him and he says I told you that was going to happen. I died laughing!
3 years 11 months ago #43053 by Shanon Jones
Bonnie Beauchamp
3 years 11 months ago #43054 by Bonnie Beauchamp
Replied by Bonnie Beauchamp on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
The one where I drove into a residents truck with my golf cart or the one where the golf cart was stolen and drove past the leasing office?!
3 years 11 months ago #43054 by Bonnie Beauchamp
Larry Berry
3 years 11 months ago #43055 by Larry Berry
Replied by Larry Berry on topic Anyone have some good golf cart stories?
Hilly property in North Carolina. Service person gets out to pick something up and doesn't apply the brakes. There were three cars at the bottom of the hill, a new Mercedes, a beat up Honda, and an older pick-up truck with the back bumper missing. Guess which car it elected to hit.
3 years 11 months ago #43055 by Larry Berry
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3 years 10 months ago #43423 by Michael Harger
So it's a doozy.... driving back to the office with a prospect in the golf cart when i rounded the corner and started down the hill back towards the office. Just chit chatting enjoying the tour when i tried braking and no brakes.

Me: Ma'am, it looks like we aren't going to be able to brake and we are picking up speed.

Prospect: Curse word, curse word, curse word.

Me: (rolling down the hill and warp speed. thinking to myself, how in the world am i going to get this thing stopped. Ok Ma'am. Brace yourself.

Golf Cart: Reaching the bottom of the hill at top speed, she hits the curb at full force- Somehow causing it to become airborne. We fly over the grass and land face first into the scrubs outside of the office.

Me: Still holding on with white knuckles. I look over and i see my prospect has either leapt to freedom at some point while in the air or has been knocked out of said Cart.

Me: Ma'am are you ok? Let me help you up. Can I get you some water? (because apparently water is what anyone needs at a crime scene)

Prospect: No I'm fine.

Longest Walk back into the office: I'm so sorry. Let me get your license.

Prospect: Not a peep.

Me: Well, I look forward to having you move it. What a great story, right?

Follow UP: She didn't lease.
3 years 10 months ago #43423 by Michael Harger
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3 years 10 months ago #43424 by Rachel Towns
At one of my earliest properties I worked at, most of the buildings were up on top of a steep hill that you could access from two different directions. We didn't realize that our golf cart didn't connect to the charger well the night before and about half way up the hill with 3 quite a bit bigger people on the cart, it wouldn't go anymore. It just stalled because of the weight.

Two of the gentleman prospects were kind enough to push me and the other lady the remaining way up the hill, laughing about it the whole way. But, OMG, it was embarrassing. They thought it was such a funny story and I was mortified, but we glided back down the hill after seeing the 2 BR quite easily.

Somehow, they leased. LOL.
3 years 10 months ago #43424 by Rachel Towns